

主題關鍵詞:SECI知識轉換模式美感經驗視覺藝術教學美感教育SECI knowledge conversion modeaesthetic experiencevisual arts instructionaesthetic education
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本研究旨在探究援引轉換外顯和默會知識的知識管理(knowledge management, KM)之SECI模式(socialization、externalization、combination、internalization),以及融合語文賞析的視覺藝術教學對國小學童學習之成效。
The purpose of this research is to study the effects on integrating the SECI model (socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization)and literature appreciation as an approach toward visual arts instruction of elementary school students.
The aim of aesthetic education is to foster the student aesthetic literacy, which encompasses both aesthetic intellect and emotions. In this respect, aesthetic literacy can be perceived as an interactive learning process of converting the tacit and explicit knowledge of aesthetics. In order to fulfill the purpose of aesthetic literacy, both the intellectual and emotional activities are needed. Therefore, this study adopted the model of SECI and literature appreciation to provide a new integrating model of visual arts instruction.
Qualitative research method was adopted in this study and data was collected from the instructor (the researcher), subjects and parents by questionnaires and interviews. A total of 10 elementary school students aged from six to eleven were the subjects. The experiment was undertaken for16 class sessions.
The major findings were:(1) knowledge converting had positive effects on acquiring aesthetic experiences: the SECI model was effective to activate the aesthetic ideas, to refine the emotions, to attain multiple understanding, and to proceed personal reflections and aesthetic evaluation and the modeling activities were contributed to aesthetic knowledge converting; (2) the SECI model improved student art performances; (3) integrating literature appreciation into visual arts instruction had positive effect on student aesthetic experiences with new perspectives, free imagination and empathy, communication, and life re-experiencing. .
Keywords: SECI knowledge conversion mode, aesthetic experience, visual arts instruction, aesthetic education
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