

作者(外文):Hou, Yi-Hsin
主題關鍵詞:課程推廣課程理論擴散課程革新課程實施閱讀課程curriculum disseminationcurriculum theorydiffusioncurriculum innovationcurriculum implementationreading curriculum
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The academic study of curriculum dissemination began from U.S. actively promoting curriculum innovation to primary and high school during 1960 A.D., so that curriculum dissemination just be meant for administrative intervention to school teacher. Because the dissemination almost follow after the innovation, in order to tracing the historical background for investigating that continuing case, the study takes the viewpoint of Positivism to reading curriculum by the way of structural equation model (SEM) for implementation, diffusion and institutionalization. As the data gathering from the sample case of reading curriculum just fit in SEM, then the constructs of SEM could be further analyzed by canonical correlation and path analysis to confirming the interrelationships among the changing process of dissemination, just like that the roles of dissemination affect the mechanism of institutionalization. Analyzing the variables of the individual and school background by stepwise multiple regression and hierarchical linear models (HLM) to realize the contextual effect, such as the open climate of school leading to the moral values into institutionalization, and corresponding to the qualitative inquiry, such as the honor doing favor to institutionalization but causing the curriculum revision, above all we could distinguish the interrelationships between the constructs of SEM and contextual effect, finally reach the goal of constructive theorization of curriculum dissemination.
The study took primary school teacher who came from the north area, the mddle area, the south area, the east and outlying islands of Taiwan as sample. Stratified sampling between metropolitan area and non-metropolitan area, according to the metropolis rate of 69.4%. Data gathering by the way of interview and questionnaire survey, then analyzing outcome from quantitative or qualitative technique could reach the following conclusions corresponding to research goal.
First, the process of dissemination might include the phases of implementation, diffusion and institutionalization, which phases has each tasks to overcome. Considering the contextual need of fidelity perspective or mutual adaptation at the phases of implementation, the model of implementation could be ‘top-down’ or ‘button-up’ with corresponding. At the phases of diffusion, if the innovation within interpersonal network could be lead to the desired goal and made each other do his duties, the administrative intervention should response to individual characteristics and needs, such as the innovator usually taking organizational surroundings into account. At the phases of institutionalization, if the individuals within group reach in sync mind, the individuals within group would perform well for the desired goal of dissemination under the models of institutionalization.
Second, any administrative intervention would lead something changing at each phases of the process of dissemination. Such as the viewpoints of implementation versus the models of implementation, the roles of diffusion versus the considerations of adoption, the models of institutionalization versus the performance of institutionalization all having positive correlation in common at the same phases. Either the models of implementation versus the roles of diffusion, the roles of diffusion versus the models of institutionalization, the models of implementation versus the models of institutionalization having positive correlation across other phases. So that either administrative intervention could make some influence with each other at the process of dissemination.
Third, the curriculum dissemination works for diversified development because the contextual effect of individual, school background or the developing experiences of reading curriculum. Not only the individuals and schools disseminate differently in the aspects of implementation, diffusion and institutionalization, but also from Ministry of Education to schools the administrative job assignment apparently dividing the work. Curriculum dissemination not only let the disagreement becoming consensus but intends to make consensus be pluralistic.
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