

主題關鍵詞:正向領導正念幸福感大學生positive leadershipmindfulnesswell-beinguniversity students
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本研究旨在瞭解大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與其幸福感之現況及其差異、相關、預測及其影響,採問卷調查法進行研究,首先探討國內外相關文獻,建立研究架構,並自編「大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與學生幸福感調查問卷」,以分層隨機抽樣方式,對1,241位臺灣之大學生進行施測,取得1,004份有效問卷。問卷調查資料採用SPSS 22.0及Amos 21.0版統計套裝軟體進行分析,運用平均數、標準差、多變量變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾遜積差相關分析、迴歸分析、路徑分析、結構方程式模型等統計方法。本研究的主要發現如下:
一、 大學生知覺教師正向領導之得分屬「中高」程度,大學生知覺教師正向領導以「溝通氛圍」最高,依序是「執行毅力」、「和諧關係」、「回歸教 育」、「導入願景」。
二、 大學生正念屬「中高」程度,大學生正念以「能量管理」最高,依序為「正向信念」、「接納包容」、「專注覺察」、「靜坐放鬆」。
三、 整體大學生幸福感屬「中高」程度,以「身心健康」與「人際關係」並列最高,依序為「樂觀希望」、「學業表現」、「生活滿意」。不同背景變項之大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與學生幸福感之整體和各層面有所差異。
四、 不同背景變項之大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與學生幸福感之整體和各層面有所差異。
五、 大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與學生幸福感具中度以上正向關聯。
六、 大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念對學生幸福感具有預測作用,大學生知覺教師正向領導對學生正念之預測力為32.4%、學生正念對學生幸福感之預測力為76.7%。
七、 大學生知覺教師正向領導、學生正念與學生幸福感之間具有因果關係
八、 大學生知覺教師正向領導對學生正念的直接效果為大效果,學生正念對學生幸福感的直接效果為大效果。
九、 大學生知覺教師正向領導行為可透過學生正念影響學生幸福感,學生正念具有中介作用,大學教師正向領導對總體學生幸福感有大效果。
The purpose of this study is to understand students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership, students’ mindfulness, and their well-being of their current situation, differences, correlations, predictions, and influence. This study adopted questionnaire survey method.
First, the research process included the international literature review, the construction of research structure, and the creation of questionnaires of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership, students’ mindfulness, and their well-being. Stratified random sampling research method was adopted. 1,241 Taiwanese university students filled in the questionnaires and 1,004 valid questionnaires were collected. After collecting the questionnaires, SPSS 22.0 and Amos 21.0 statistic software packages were adopted to analyze the data. Mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, independent sample t-test, Pearson product moment correlation analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation model methods for analysis of survey data. The main findings were summarized as follows.
1. The overall indicators of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership belongs to the "middle-high" level. The top domain of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership is “communicative atmosphere.” The following domains are “executive perseverance, ” “smooth relationship,” “education regression” and “vision leading.”
2. The overall indicators of university students' mindfulness belongs to the "middle-high" level. The top domain of students’ mindfulness is “energy management.” The following domains are “ positive belief, ” “ acception and tolerance,” “ concentration and self-awareness” and “ meditation and relaxation.”
3. The overall indicators of university students’ well-being belongs to the "middle-high" level. The top domains of students’ well-being are “ physical and mental health,” and “interpersonal relationship.” The following domains are “ optimistic and hopeful personality,” “learning performance,” and “ life satisfication.”
4. Different backgrounds of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership, students’ mindfulness, and their well-being are different in the overall indicators and all domains.
5. The positive correlation of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership, students’ mindfulness, and their well-being are over the middle level.
6. Students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership is predictable for students’ mindfulness and students’ mindfulness is highly predictable for students’ well-being.
7. The relationship model of students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership and students’ mindfulness, and their well-being are verified and its goodness of fit is acceptable.
8. The index of the indirect effect toward “students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership” to “students’ mindfulness” is strong. The index of the direct effect toward “students’ mindfulness” to “students’ wellbeing” is strong.
9. “Students’ perception toward professors’ positive leadership” is influential for students’ well-being through students’ mindfulness. The total effect is strong. Students’ mindfulness plays a mediating role.
Finally, based on these results, suggestions were provided for the universities, professors, students, and further researchers.
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