

題名:國小學生閱讀成就影響因素之 多層次模型分析—以臺灣與新加坡PIRLS 2011為例
主題關鍵詞:促進國際閱讀素養研究新加坡階層線性模式PIRLSSingporeHierarchical Linear Modeling
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本研究探討臺灣與新加坡小學四年級閱讀成就的影響因素。本研究採用次級資料分析法,研究對象以就讀臺灣與新加坡四年級的學生各4,293、6,367位,在次級資料取得係以PIRLS 2011 建置資料庫之資料。本研究的數據依據其問卷填答結果進行分析。本研究資料處理包括敘述統計、獨立樣本平均數t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析、階層線性分析等。獲得結論如下:
This study investigated factors affecting the reading achievement of fourth-grade elementary school students in Taiwan and Singapore. The secondary data analysis method was adopted, and the subjects were 4,293 and 6,367 fourth-grade elementary school students in Taiwan and Singapore respectively. The secondary data were obtained from the database established by PIRLS 2011. These students’ responses to the questionnaire were analyzed using methods including descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression, and hierarchical linear modeling. The conclusions were as follows:
1. In Taiwan and Singapore, the reading achievement and affecting factors differed significantly among schools and should not be ignored; 2. The reading achievements among students in Taiwan was only affected by background variables, context variables and mediator variables. In contrast, the reading achievement among students in Singapore was affected by cross-level, including background variables, contextual variables, and mediator variables. This has resulted in clear differences between the reading achievements of Taiwan and Singapore. 3. At the individual level of both Taiwan and Singapore, the important mediator variable affecting reading achievement varied among students. 4. At the overall level, among students of Taiwan and Singapore, the larger the school size, the better the learning achievement; among schools of Singapore, parents’ education degree, parental participation, reading ability, and reading attitude were all positively related to reading achievement; among students of Taiwan, the above relation was inexistent. 5. The cross-level interaction effect among students of Taiwan and Singapore: school size moderated the effect of reading ability on reading achievement. Finally, based on the above conclusions, this study proposed suggestions to schools, teachers, parents, and future researchers respectively.
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