

主題關鍵詞:工作資源工作動機離職傾向主動行為志願役軍官Job ResourceJob MotivationTurnover IntentionProactive BehaviorVolunteer Military Officer
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近年來,國家兵役制度變革及兵力結構調整,造成工作壓力、工作倦怠及離職意圖,原因為何值得研究。Demerouti, Bakker et al. (2001)建構一個工作要求-資源模式(JD-R Model),認為「造成個人心理壓力與工作倦怠主要的原因,是工作要求與工作資源之間的不平衡。工作要求會提高員工生理上或者心理上的壓力,及產生工作倦怠。工作資源則會降低工作壓力及工作倦怠。本研究以工作要求-資源模式為基礎,以國軍政策制訂單位志願役軍官人員為研究對象,探討工作資源對離職傾向、主動行為及工作動機之影響。
In recent years, the national military service system reform and the strength of the structural adjustment, resulting in work pressure, job burnout and turnover intention, it is worthy of study. Demerouti, Bakker et al. (2001) constructs a job demand-resource model (JD-R Model) that "the main reason for personal stress and job burnout is the imbalance between job requirements and job resources. Job requirements will increase the employees's physical and psychological pressure, and produce job burnout. Job resources will reduce work stress and job burnout.This study base on JD-R modeling, to explore the impact of job resource on turnover intention, proactive behavior and job motivation: focus on volunteer officers in military policy making unit.
The purpose of this study: the impact of the job resource on the turnover intention; the impact of the job resource on job motivation; the impact of job resource on employee's proactive behavior; the impact of job motivation on turnover intention; the impact of job motivation on proactive behavior; the relationship between job resource, turnover intention and proactive behavior mediated by job motivation.
After the empirical research, the major findings as follows:
1.Job resource positively impacts on job motivation of volunteer officers.
2.Job resource negatively affects on turnover intention of volunteer officers.
3.Job resource positively impacts on proactive behavior of volunteer officers.
4.Job motivation negatively affects on turnover intention of volunteer officers.
5.Job motivation positively impacts on proactive behavior of volunteer officers.
6.The relationship between job resource and turnover intention is partially mediated by job motivation.
7.The relationship between job resource and proactive behavior is partially mediated by job motivation.
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