

作者(外文):Ming-Shu Lee
主題關鍵詞:佛教世界觀生命倫理學性別性別哲學解脫道菩提道Buddhist world viewbioethicssex or genderphilosophy of genderthe path of liberationthe bodhisattva path
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In this paper I explore the construction of gender and the role it plays over the course of a lifetime from the expansive perspective afforded by the Buddhist world view and the bodhisattva path of liberation. I also apply this perspective to the search for solutions for the suffering and controversies relating to gender issues.
As for methodology, rather than adopting the usual approaches of feminism, history, vinaya studies, or textual criticism, my overall approach is that of philosophy. With an emphasis on defining and elucidating key concepts, I investigate the origins and background of a wide range of gender issues by applying the philosophical approach of inquiry, description, introspection, and evaluation. In addition to discussion on the theoretical level, I also investigate these issues from the perspective of Buddhist practice.
In Chapter 1, the Introduction, I present the subject, research background and methodology, related literature, key concepts, and anticipated results. In Chapter 2, titled “A Review of the Research on Buddhism and Gender,” the recent studies on this topic are divided into such areas as vinaya studies, history, feminism, and textual studies. I summarize the results of each study, including how it relates to my own research. In Chapter 3, titled “The Form and Content of the World View of the Bodhisattva Path,” I explore gender issues in light of related Buddhist scriptures, as well as the role of gender in the Buddhist world view. In Chapter 4, titled “Solving Gender Issues from the Perspective of Buddhist Practice,” I consider how the perspective of Buddhism as a path of spiritual liberation might contribute to the alleviation of the suffering and tribulation related to gender issues. In Chapter 5, titled “The Bodhisattva Path as a Solution to Gender Issues, and Gender Issues as an Approach to the Path,” I examine the origins of gender issues and their possible solutions in light of the bodhisattva path. I also consider how gender issues themselves can be understood in such a way that they become a support to the practice, rather than a hindrance. In Chapter 6, titled “LGBTQ Issues from the Perspective of the Buddhist Scriptures,” I investigate how the Buddhist perspective and practice can help in resolving identity issues in the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community, as well as the problem of social stigmatization. In Chapter 7, titled “Conclusions and Prospects,” I summarize the results and consider directions for future research.
In this paper I present and interpret various Buddhist scriptures which illustrate the Buddhist views on gender, yet such views are necessarily limited in terms of time and space. To render these scriptural passages more applicable to contemporary society, I use the perspective of Buddhist philosophy to interpret them and highlight their underlying import, thereby creating a space in which the Buddhist understanding of gender can be brought into dialogue with such fields of modern inquiry as history, sociology, and philosophy.
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