

作者(外文):Wei-Heng Chieh
主題關鍵詞:職場友誼社會交換理論內容分析因果關係Workplace FriendshipSocial Exchange TheoryConten AnalysisCausal Relationship
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1. 社會交換理論的報酬、溝通、吸引力、公平分配、認同、信任、承諾、支持等主要概念與職場友誼的內涵相同。
2. 職場友誼的影響因素有個人因素、人際關係、主管因素、工作因素和組織因素,並可進一步整合為個人因素、工作因素和工作環境知覺;影響結果有人際關係結果、工作結果和組織結果;職場友誼對於個人因素、主管因素、工作因素和組織因素與個人結果、工作結果和組織結果間具調節作用。
3. 本研究建構之職場友誼因果關係觀念性模式具合理性。
The major propose of this study is to construct a conceptual model to understand the causal relationship of workplace friendship. This study adopted documents analysis and content analysis to construct the model by classifying and inducing the relatd variables with workplace friendship. The related documents of workplace friendship in domestic and foreign research were surveyed. The samples include 122 research copies in domestic research works (include theses, dissertations and journals) whjch were sampled from the sampling frame-National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan and PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System; and 20 papers in foreign journals which were sampled by purposive sampling the related journals with workplace friendship. The research variables related to workplace friendship were divided into the factors of influence, the factors of result and moderators. In addition, this study also discuss the relationship between workplace friendship and Social Exchange Theory(SET).
The main findings in this study are: (1) the principal concepts of SET are same to the meanings of workplace friendship, such as reward, communication, attraction, equitable distribution, identity, trust, commitment and support; (2) the factors influencing workplace friendship are: individual, interpersonal relationship, work, supervisor and organization; the factors are affected by workplace friendship are: the result of interpersonal relationship, the result of work and the result of organization;workplace friendship is the moderator between individual, work, supervisor, organization and the result of interpersonal relationship, the result of work , the result of organization; and(3) the conceptual causal model of workplace friendship has rationality.
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