

作者(外文):Huang, Kwan-Da
主題關鍵詞:閱讀理解教學種子教師教學知識活動理論知識共享Seed Teachers of Reading Comprehension InstructionTeachers’ Pedagogical KnowledgeActivity TheoryKnowledge Sharing
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The study aims to probe into the courses and the results of Seed Teachers of Reading Comprehension Instruction in elementary school who returned to Campus and promoted Reading Comprehension Instruction. Through various ways such as observation, interview and document analysis, this case study probes into two communities organized by three Seed Teachers. Finally Activity Theory was used to analyze the mechanism of operational system and knowledge content of Knowledge Sharing in the Community.
From the view point of of Activity Theory, the study analyzes the operation of the community. During the process of organizing and operating, Seed Teachers have to overcome the contradictions result from three dimensions — division of labor of different social roles, social rules and conferences in community in order to expand the three-dimension operation in the community. Researchers take a step further to analyze the operational relationship in the community. Realizing that the “focal part” of the system was the community conferences oriented triangle which was directly related to community activity’s target. However, the operation of the “focal part” should depends on the operation of the “support part” of the system, which consist of triangles of division of labor of different social roles and the triangles of social rules. The study also found out the double roles of Seed Teachers. Seed Teachers not only serve as the leaders of the teachers, but also as agents between different activity systems. The two titles respectively connect to its activity system behind them.
Member Teachers could get benefits depends on the backgrounds of themselves. The sharing benefits were strategic teaching can enhance student participation in classes, and teachers can see the highlights in students’ learning and the difficulties in their learning. There were 5 kinds of knowledge of Reading Comprehension Instruction shared by two Communities. Lastly, the study gave suggestions to teachers who will be Seed Teachers, elementary schools administrators, programmers of teachers training, and researchers for further study.
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