

作者:曾建興 引用關係
作者(外文):Chien-Hsing Tseng
主題關鍵詞:社區高齡者椅子瑜珈課程功能性體適能幸福感community-dwelling older adultschair-based yoga coursesfunctional fitnesswell-being
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This study intended to build a set of chair-based yoga courses that can be suitable to community-dwelling older adults, as well as investigated its effect on functional fitness and well-being, and further to verify the validity and feasibility for the chair-based yoga courses. This study is carried out in 2 phases: First Phase is to invite 12 theoretic and empirical experts and scholars to conduct 4 sessions of focus group discuss , in order to develop the factors and movement contents of the chair-based yoga courses for community-dwelling older adults; Second Phase adopted the quasi-experimental design with took 58 adults who are older than 65 years old and in Kaohsiung City community-dwelling caring bases as the research subject to carry out a 12-week, twice a week and 90 minutes a class, the intervention of chair-based yoga courses. It took measurement before and after executing such yoga course, functional fitness items included 30-second Bent-arm Lateral Raise, 30-second sit-to-stand, Hand-grip Test, Back Scratch Test, Chair sit-and-reach Test, Open Eye One-Leg Stand and 2.44 meters up-and-go Test. Data was collected from mental, emotional and social well-being scales, and adopted the Paired-sample t-Test to analyze those collected data for the improvement effect of 12-week chair-based yoga courses to the functional fitness and well-being for community-dwelling older adults.
Research results showed 3 findings as follows:
1.Based on the contents of chair-based yoga courses, this study adopted main factors of Hatha yoga, including warm-up exercise, warm up exercise, breathing adjustment, yoga poses, calm, relax and meditation, as the design principle of main movement, and there’re 36 movements have been developed. The training goal is to improve community-dwelling older adults with their physical function, such as the muscle strength, flexibility and balance ability and upgrade their well-being as the main direction;
2.After intervening 12-week chair-based yoga courses for community-dwelling older adults, it showed effects of postponing the functional fitness decline, and there’s a significant improvement in lower limbs flexibility;
3.Community-dwelling older adults participated in the 12-week chair-based yoga courses and such intervention can effectively improve the score of their well-being, and it showed a significant improvement in social well-being.
Lastly, according to research results, this Study proposed corresponding suggestions by aiming those 5 aspects:
1.Suggestions to government’s authority
(1)To establish the White Paper of Taiwan’s Health Promotion to Elderly Exercise to be the guidance of aging research and physical movement.
(2)To root the idea of Exercise is Medicine with paying attention to those issues of mid/elderly people’s functional decline and disability.
(3)Promoting diversified and twice a week the health promoting exercise program for community-dwelling older adults to urge elder people to reach the goal of active ageing for community-dwelling older adults.
2.Suggestions to community-dwelling elderly caring base
(1)Integrated the chair-based yoga courses into the routine activity and course for the community-dwelling elderly caring base, it can be used as the exercise health promoting program for postponing community-dwelling older adults’ physical and mental functions.
(2)Establish the teaching team of chair-based yoga courses for community, and enter community to train volunteers to have theoretic professionalism for health promoting courses.
(3)Encourage community volunteers and local people to participate the national fitness seminar in order to build up the local functional fitness inspection team for communities.
3.Suggestions to community-dwelling older adults
(1)Elderly people shall have the concept of new heath values to enhance individual’s motivation of exercise health promotion.
(2)Care for the influence of chair-based yoga exercise on community-dwelling older adults’ physical and mental health and make them to have regular exercise behavior.
4.Suggestions to Future Exercise Program
(1)Continuously develop combinations of various packs and movements for the chair-based yoga courses with making adjustments in requirements by aiming different aging groups.
(2)Plan the chair-based yoga courses as a core, and set the fitness training course that its effect has been verified scientifically.
(3)Film the chair-based yoga courses and use it as the multimedia teaching material to be the home learning resources for elderly people.
5.Suggestions to future research
(1)Used the random control research design to enhance the empirical research scope for the effect of the chair-based yoga exercise invention to elderly’s mental and physical health.
(2)Adopted the longitudinal research to make long-term trace of elderly’s mental and physical heath, as well as used different research designs to carry out in-depth comparison and investigation.
(3)Expanded research subject and experimental field in order to investigate impact of the chair-based yoga courses invention on aging groups with different attributes.
(4)Add related variables that may influence elderly’s health conditions, so as to verify the validity of inventing the chair-based yoga courses.

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