

作者(外文):LIU, CHIH-YU
主題關鍵詞:行動研究心理創傷自我敘事探究心理教育工作者action researchpsychological traumaself-narrative inquirypsychological educator
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This research is the author as a psychologist and the chief planner of the project activity. In a Non-Profit organization under the public institution in the mainland, the children's psychological experience museum with the theme of building resilience is the starting point for action. In the process of practice, The research program of " Move-Testing Experiment" is used as a probe to understand the family education in mainland China. In the self-narrative inquiry of the thesis, the relationship between the oral development and the guidance has led to the development of professional development, research value selection and practice reflection. A series of discussions on the generation of psychological education practice theory.
The study begins with the theory of psychological trauma and the “scared” experience of researchers who have switched to several different field experiences in the mainland. They have seen the life-heart reaction of people encountering crisis, and then the experience dialogue of the researcher's psychological education practice field. Finally, there is a new understanding and definition of resilience: resilience is no longer a manifestation of ability, and resilience is just a kind of "fitting" response when people face crisis. The study's movement of the frame allows researchers to see the social context and structural oppression behind the lack of resilience labels in the mainland, and to develop a practical theory that is more appropriate for children's psychology and family education in the mainland, as a future psychology. A reference for educators.
Keywords: action research, psychological trauma, self-narrative inquiry, psychological educator
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