

作者(外文):LIU, MING-HAO
主題關鍵詞:社會工作科學科學哲學社會工作本質Social Work SciencePhilosophy of Sciencethe Nature of Social Work
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In order to answer the question “What is social work?”, I tried to explore the impact of science on social work in Taiwan by philosophy of science. Through the analysis of social work research syllabus, social worker of examination, social work doctoral dissertations, social work academic journals, and then I sketch the image of social work science.
Social work science contains scientific activities and scientific knowledge. After reading and interpreting, I believe that Taiwan’s social work education and training are developed on the basis of positivism. In recent years, more and more researchers in social work doctoral dissertation have used constructivism as the main research paradigm; in academic journals, they have presented more diverse research paradigms.
I was exploring the nature of social work and at the same time I also imagine what would be needed for future social work science.

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