

主題關鍵詞:兼任行政教師工作價值觀工作壓力工作滿意度社會支持Administrative TeacherWork ValueJob StressJob SatisfactionSocial Support
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between work values, job stress and job satisfaction of administrative teachers in skill-based senior high schools, taking social support as the adjustment variable. To achieve this, a questionnaire survey was adopted, and a random sampling method was selected. The sample included 440 administrative teachers, and there were 372 valid questionnaires returned, making the effective rate 84.5%. After coding the questionnaires, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistic, mean, standard deviation, one-sample t-test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson analysis and hierarchical regression analysis for the statistical analysis were conducted .
This study achieved the conclusions as follows:
1.Most skill-based senior high school administrative teachers tended to be younger and less experienced.
2.The married administrative teachers held significantly higher work values than the unmarried administrative teachers.
3.The senior administrative teachers—in both teaching years and administrative years, held significantly higher work values than the novices and younger administrative teachers.
4.The younger administrative teachers had significantly higher job stresses than the senior administrative teachers.
5.The administrative teachers serving in the east of Taiwan were under higher job stress than those serving in the middle part or the south part of Taiwan.
6.The married administrative teachers enjoyed significantly higher job satisfaction than the unmarried administrative teachers.
7.The first level administrative teachers enjoyed significantly higher job satisfaction than the second level administrative teachers.
8.Social support had no moderator effect between work values and job satisfaction.
9.Social support had moderator effect between job stress and job satisfaction.
According to the above conclusions, some suggestions were made for teachers, educational authorities and researchers.
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