

作者:張育端 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:不動產開發商不動產開發跨區投資real estate developerreal estate developmentcross-regional investment
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Since the immobility of real estate is different from that of general commodities, it can not be, theoretically, transported by logistics to sales. Therefore, the supply and demand of real estate depends on locality, meaning that real estate developers carry on real estate projects within a city or an area. However, in recent years, cross-regional investment by those developers in Taiwan has increased.
In this study, an in-depth interview with 30 experts was conducted to investigate those who participated in real estate developers' cross-regional investment and development. With the motives, backgrounds, and dilemmas of real estate developers in cross-regional investment interviewed, carefully-selected 30 experts were surveyed by questionnaires, which was analyzed by the FAHP method. Then, field investigations and case studies were applied to analyze the impacts of trans-regional real estate development on the trans-regional cities. The analysis of the questionnaires pointed out four major facet factors determining real estate developers' cross-regional investment, which was ranked in order of importance. First, on the “economic and market factors” aspect, the most important factor is the “scale of real estate market”. Second, on the “internal factors of real estate developers” aspect, the most important factor is “the capital scale of real estate developers”. Third, the most important factor in the “cross-regional urban geographical factors” aspect is the “industrial structure and development status”. Fourth, on the "local government system and policy factors" aspect, the most important factor is the "local government land development incentive policy." Based on the analysis of the overall weight rankings and the results of the comprehensive assessment of the importance of cross-regional investment in developers, the three major assessment criteria for the construction of cross-regional investment by real estate developers are “the economic and market standards”, “the developer competitiveness guidelines” and "the cross-regional urban development guidelines."
This study discovered that the thrust and pull of cross-regional investment by real estate developers depended mainly on the differences in the real estate market between the two related cities. The cross-regional real estate developers had professional advantages of not only changing the local urban architectural landscape but also stimulating the improvement of the local real estate development industry. But the major motive for the cross-region developers to stay there has been inseparable from the local economy and urban development. Over time, the “cross-region” outlook was disappearing, which reassured the importance of the locality of the real estate market.
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