

作者(外文):Chen, Hsiao-Ching
主題關鍵詞:學校認同自戀傾向驚輸行為學習投入School identificationNarcissistic inclinationKiasu behaviorLearning engagement
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本研究之目的在於探討我國私立科技大學學生對於學校認同、自戀傾向、驚輸行為及學習投入四個面向裡,各自所含之不同因子之關聯程度,本研究並進而找出主要統一同意因素。本研究資料之取得依循以下嚴謹之四實證步驟取得:因素淬取、專家挑選、預試分析及正式問卷調查資料分析。研究者經由文獻參考歸納、整理,淬取出各面向之不同構成因子。其中學校認同因素有共淬取13項、自戀傾向因素共淬取14項、驚輸共淬取21(正面16、負面5)項、學習投入共淬取14項。再由以往各學者所做問卷中,找出對應題目。其次,經由專家各挑選出十個題項,進行預試答案之分析。研究者以內部一致性信度考驗法,找出題目之適切性。研究者根據202位三校學生所交之預試問卷調查數據,在四十題中,總共刪除四個不適合之題項。最後,三校總計577學生之有效問卷答案做為研究執行的評量依據。本研究之統計分析及描述係依據灰關聯生成,以GM(0, N)模型,分析各面向中所有題目同意程度之高低及相關性。問卷分析發現就學校認同同意度而言,第一名為「我在班上跟其他同學都受到尊重。」共同同意程度最低為「我覺得輟學對我而言會是一大錯誤。」就自戀傾向同意度而言,第一名為「我期望從別人那裡獲得許多。」共同同意程度最低為「我很喜歡指導他人。」就驚輸行為同意度而言,第一名為「降價時我會趕緊去買,希望掃到最佳買賣。」共同同意程度最低為「這學期你需要選三門選修課程,以符合學校最低學分規定,在選課時,你會打聽那三位教授最輕鬆給分高、不點名、沒作業的營養課程才選。就學習投入同意度而言,第一名為「我會建議如何讓班上更好。」共同同意程度最低為「我在課堂上很少打瞌睡。」本研究發現私立科大學生之重要行為特質,其結果對於教育當局、校方、教師、心理諮商者及未來相關研究提供頗具價值及深度參考。
This study examines the factor relation weight of students’ school identification, narcissistic inclination, kiasu behaviors, and learning engagement. Through referencing, inducting and organizing related literature, the researcher identifies distinct constituting factors (attributes) of each dimension. Thirteen factors are extracted for school identity; fourteen for narcissistic inclination; twenty one for kiasu behavior; fourteen for learning engagement. After expert review, the four-dimension 10-question questionnaire is eventually completed for pilot study of 202 students, thus removing 4 inappropriate questions. Finally, the questionnaire responses from 577 students serve as the data for grey relations analysis. By referring to the GM(0,N) model, this study analyzes students’ agreement to each of the 36 questions. Concerning school identification, students demonstrate highest degree of agreement for “Both my classmates and I are duly respected.” The least agreed-upon item is “I regard it a big loss for me to drop out of school. As regards narcissistic inclination, “I desire to get a lot from others,” ranks No.1. The lowest-ranking item is “I would like to give others guidance.” As to kiasu behavior, students regard “I will rush to buy whenever there is discount” ranks No. 1. The least agreed-upon item is “I never select a course simple because the teacher is less demanding.” With respect to learning engagement, students rank “I would suggest ways to make my class better” as No.1. “I seldom doze off in class” is the least agreed-upon question.” The present study reveals the behavioral traits pertaining to students of private technology universities. The findings can serve as a guide for educational authorities, school administrators, teachers, school counselors, and forthcoming study.
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