

作者(外文):Pei-Chen Fang
主題關鍵詞:台灣外派單身女性跨文化調適轉化學習cross-cultural adjustmenttransformative learningTaiwanese single female expatriate
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The aim of this study is to explore the transformative learning of Taiwanese single female expatriate's cross-cultural adjustment. We intend to understand the motivation of being expatriates, the key point in learning and adjustment, the reflection and meaning perspective after cross-cultural adjustment and transformative learning. This is a narrative research presented as personal life stories compiled from interviews of four females expatriated to China and Japan. First we narrate their life stories, then discuss and analyze their experiences. The results are summarized into five conclusions: (1) With family support, modern females bravely choose expatriate work to develop their own career. (2) Expatriate work, living abroad and shock of cross-cultural adjustment all would trigger transformative learning of single women. (3) Self-adjustment and interaction with others are crucial learning objects. Discriminating the differences of social culture is helpful for early reflection. (4) Single female expatriate would overcome the difficulties of cross-cultural adjustment by good feedback during communication and by organizing the resources of learning networks. (5) Cross-cultural adjustment would bring new meaning perspectives, and continued reflection would help build-up of a feedback circuit for transformative learning. Finally, based on this research, we give suggestions to single female expatriates, adult learning projects in industries, and future research directions.
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