

主題關鍵詞:適性教育十二年國民基本教育教育指標Adaptive education12-year-basic educationIndicators
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Development of adaptive education has played a great role because of 12-year Basic Education since 2014 in Taiwan. It requires cooperation between government and teachers in junior high school. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adaptive education in junior high can establish an effective methodology. The following methods were used to compose this report: Document analysis, interview with focus groups and Delphi technique through questionnaires and analytical hierarchy processes. The focus groups and Delphi experts apply practical and constructive ideas by brainstorming as significant references and information to set up the adaptive education indicators. Results from interview with focus group, feedbacks from two Delphi questionnaires, we construct a hierarchical structure which constitutes forty-nine indicators covering four fields. The following three conclusions about this report:
1. The elements of adaptive education and 12-year basic education policy in junior high school are the basis of indicators system on the study.
2. The structure of indicators on adaptive education (including 4 fields and 49 specific indicative hierarchies) is objective, practical and innovative.
3. The indicators on adaptive education has excellent professional validity and consistent score effects.
According to the findings, the author proposes specific suggestions that can be adopted by junior high schools and school authorities to promote adaptive schools.
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