

主題關鍵詞:長者成功老化復原力elderssuccessful agingresilience
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為達到上述目的與研究問題,本研究依據理論架構與文獻綜述之結果,編制研究問卷,採取問卷調查法進行研究。本研究以台中、彰化、武漢三個地區之65歲及以上的長者為研究對象,總計發放問卷930份,回收問卷875份(回收率為94.09%),有效問卷698 份(問卷有效率為75.05%)。本研究以描述性統計、差異分析、相關分析、結構模型分析等方法,分析討論討論與回答本研究之問題與研究假設。研究發現如下所述:
研究樣本分佈以女性、65-69歲、已婚、小學學歷長者為多數,平均年齡為 73.84 歲。另外研究參與者多數在經濟上較獨立,多以自己積蓄和離退休金為經濟來源。參與者約半數有宗教信仰,近半數患有高血壓,約三成長者受到病症對其生活的影響。
The subjects of the study is the elderly people aged 65 years or above.The main purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between the resilience and the successful aging of the elders.
To achieve the purpose, We have compiled questionnaires and studied by the method of questionnaire. These were based on the results of theoretical framework and literature review. In this study, we have chosen the elderly people aged 65 years or above in three cities as the research object, they are Wuhan, Taichung and Changhua. Each of the 930 subjects was given a questionnaire to fill out. A total of 875 questionnaires were returned (the recovery rate was 94.09%), and the valid questionnaires were 698 (the valid rate of the questionnaire was 75.05%). Descriptive statistics, difference analysis, correlation analysis and structural model analysis were used to analyze, discuss and answer questions and hypotheses in this study.
The finding of this study, were as follows:
1.The majority of the distribution of the participants was female, 65-69 years old, married and primary school educated, with an average age of 73.84 years. In addition, most of the participants were financially independent, with their own savings and retirement benefits as the source of the economy. About half of the participants  believed in religion, nearly half of them suffered from hypertension and about thirty percent of the participants' lives were affected by the disease.
2.There were significant differences in the individual background variables of the elderly (include“gender” , “age” , “marital status” , “education” , “monthly expenditure” , “religion” and “the impact of disease” ) to the resilience and the success of the elderly.
3.Social participation promotes resilience and resilience contributes to the success of aging. There is a strong correlation between successful aging and resilience, and the stronger the resilience, the higher the degree of successful aging.
4.The stress in life has a negative effect on the successful aging of the elderly, but increasing the social participation of the elderly can reduce the negative impact of stress.
5.The influence of protective factors of resilience on successful aging changes with age.If the elders are less than 70 years old, “self-efficacy” has the greatest impact on successful aging. If the elders are more than 70 years old, “optimistic and open-minded” has the greatest impact on successful aging. “Optimistic and open-minded” are playing a important role in the success of aging, and the older the man is, the more important it is to be optimistic and open-minded.
Based on the results of this study, several recommendations were made for research and practice of relevant units and social workers.
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