

主題關鍵詞:品牌形象服務品質顧客滿意度重遊意願Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionWillingnessRevisit
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本研究從經營者角度探究全球化競爭的市場,面對旅遊型態市場瞬息萬變,探究其旅館本身應具有標準的設備、熱誠的接待與殷勤的服務等。本研究以北部地區 27家、中部地區8家、南部地區6家之五星級旅館為研究對象,以進行問卷調查,共發行470份問卷。研究結果如下:(一)服務品質對顧客滿意度呈現正向顯著影響。(二)顧客滿意度對重遊意願呈現正向顯著影響。(三)顧客滿意度對服務品質與重遊意願有中介效果。(四)顧客滿意度對重遊意願的影響關係,受旅遊動機呈現顯著的干擾效果。根據研究結果在經營策略上的參考。(一)對於旅館業者若想要在紅海中生存,必須從最基本的服務品質,至重視每一位來訪的旅客權益,在經營管理方面也必須創造出旅館自已的品牌形象特色與市場區隔,在地化、才能在激烈競争中勝出的重要關鍵。(二)另外建議業者也需要持續加強旅館場地設施檢查,休閒設施維修養護、消防和公共安全衛生等等項目,才能達到永續經營。(三)後續研究可增加不同類型旅館比較之研究,經由訪談加入「質性研究」結果亦或是在「量化研究」中擴大至全台灣旅館並將其抽樣問卷時間加長,做更深入的探討。
This study explores the market of global competition from the perspective of operators, and faces the rapid changes in the tourism type market. It explores that the hotel itself should have standard equipment, enthusiasm and hospitality. In this study, 27 of the northern regions, 8 in the central region, and 6 five-star hotels in the southern region were selected for questionnaire survey, and a total of 470 questionnaires were issued. The research results are as follows:
(1) Service quality has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
(2) Customer satisfaction has a significant positive impact on the willingness to revisit.
(3) Customer satisfaction has a mediating effect on service quality and willingness to revisit.
(4) The influence of customer satisfaction on the willingness to revisit, and the tourism motivation has a significant interference effect. According to the research results in the business strategy reference.
(1) For hoteliers who want to survive in the Red Sea, they must focus on the most basic service quality, and pay attention to the interests of every visitor. In business management, they must also create the hotel's own brand image characteristics and market segmentation. The key to winning in the fierce competition.
(2) It is also recommended that the industry also need to continuously strengthen the inspection of hotel site facilities, maintenance and repair of leisure facilities, fire protection and public safety and health, etc., in order to achieve sustainable operation.
(3) Subsequent research can increase the comparison of different types of hotels, add “quality research” results through interviews, or expand to “Taiwanese hotels” in the “quantitative research” and lengthen the time of sampling questionnaires for further discussion. .
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