

作者(外文):OU,TONG HUA
主題關鍵詞:天人之際誠貫「理性命」萬物終始義「內聖外王」「道德的形上學」The honesty runs through
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摘 要
太極(誠體) 生生不息、妙運天下,此造化全體之理,稱「生生之理」。又太極(誠體) 遍函於萬有個體為「誠」性,稱「生生之德」。合此「生生之理、生生之德」,乃謂太極(誠體)萬物終始歷程,稱「道徳價值本體之形上義」。主體道德踐履向內心性探索,經「成己成物」「內聖外王」旅程,彰顯太極(誠體) 道徳價值之立,稱「主體道德實踐之超越義」。主體呈現真實本性、體證道德本心與天地之心自性為一的「聖人超越義境界」。合論天道下貫與人道向上,循環往復、互動不息,稱太極(誠體)貫通理性命之「體系」。此系統重視以「誠」道德進路,來接近形上超越義境界之「道德的形上學」。綜論此經歷「通自己、通人我」階段,修煉屬於天道性命渾然一體,「通天人」超越義境界,乃為太極 (誠體)貫通「理性命」(性命天道),那天上人間,互動不息的觀點與途徑。
Song Confucianism interprets the study of life settlement, Zhou Dunyi turns to the new focus of Confucian moral wisdom, and demonstrates the beginning and the end of the creature of the "virtue of pure and perfect" Taiji (honest Essence). The main moral practice is "honest" and the heavens and the people are connected in the same way." At the same time, the true heart and nature of honest morality ", returns to the realm of transcendence of Taiji (honest essence). The general discussion discusses "the interaction between universe and human" - Taiji (honest essence ) runs through "truth, nature ,command" . This study is based on the theme of Zhou Dunyi's "the interaction between universe and human "learning characteristics, including: Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhu Xi, Xiang Shan and other "truth" viewpoints, and then with the modern Western "open system" theory and Peter Saige The systematic thinking of "The Fifth Discipline" uses the "creative interpretation" method to explore the meaning of modernity. It mainly consists of three levels: First, "Setting the benevolence ,righteousness and justice. Praise silence." to cultivate the spiritual energy of creation. Second, "Honesty" runs through "truth, nature ,command" ( heavens and humanity ), the pathway between heaven and earth that play a role of cycle is reciprocating and interactive. Thirdly, "Heaven and Human are united"" the virtues of Heaven and Human are united" of the interaction between heaven, earth, and human is the realm of moral value. The author discusses Zhou Dunyi's modern interpretation of the thought of "the interaction between universe and human ".
The modern "honest morality" of Zhou Dunyi's "the interaction between universe and human "is a practice: "Set the benevolence ,righteousness and justice" and practice the "Benevolence and Righteousness". Practice the five principles of "goodness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, faith" and "numerous morality". Cultivate a single and uninterrupted "honesty". Take “the mid of bold virtue and soft virtue "to fulfill the harmony of mid. "No desire and praise silence" is quiet and clear, and it is straightforward. "The thoughts on the motivation of subject"; clearly distinguishes the conscious and clearly use of the justice and advantage, and express the moral consciousness of the true heart and nature of honest morality . The teacher's morality, the "shame learning "of self-improvement , the beginning and the end of the creature , the " inner knowledge of the saints" are erudition of developing morality, which create new life. The outer king's way of discussing is to behave in "Benevolence and Righteousness" manner, which is manner of heaven. Setting policy of political support and discipline, which are based on nature discipline. The "Being honest and back to self" is not to behave randomly. The pure mind and honesty attracts. "Setting ritual and music" lead the country peaceful and obedience. The moral practice of "the erudition of the inner saints and outer kings” is the "source of living water" that combines the essential energy of the creation of the soul with the morality and the knowledge method. It is the value awakening of the subject " self-thoroughness" and renews the inner energy of the " honesty of pure and perfection ", which shaped a module which one can behave in dignity. It is precisely the moral connotation of "setting the benevolence, righteousness and justice. Praise silence." to cultivate the spiritual energy of creation.
Taiji (honest essence ) works lively and endlessly, this creation of the whole rationale, called "the rationale of life." Taiji (honest Essence) is “honest morality” in all kinds of individuals, and is called "the virtue of life." In this way, "the rationale of life and the virtue of life" is the beginning and the end of the creature of the eternal history of Taiji (honest essence ), which is called "the metaphysical meaning of essence of the moral value." The moral practice of a subject is to explore the inner heart, and the journey of "the thinking of self-fulfillness and creation-fulfillness" and" the erudition of the inner saints and outer kings" demonstrates the value of Taiji (honest essence ), and it is called "the transcendental meaning of subjective of moral practice." The subject presents the true heart and nature of honest morality. The physical evidence combination of self-sufficiency of the nature of the honest morality and the heart of the heavens and the earth, which is called "The transcendental realm of saints" The theory is that the heavens and the earth are going up and the humanity is going up, and the cycle is reciprocating and interactive. It is called "knowledgeable system" of Taiji (honest essence ) that runs through "truth, nature ,command" . This system attaches importance to the "honesty" moral approach to approach the metaphysical realm, which is called "metaphysics of the morality ".This is a stage in which the experience of “self-thoroughness and others-thoroughness" that one can approach the transcendental realm of combination of heaven and humanity, which is called "heaven and humanity thoroughness ". It is precisely the Taiji (honest Essence ) runs through "truth, nature ,command" ( heavens and humanity ), The views and ways of the pathway between heaven and earth that play a role of cycle is reciprocating and interactive.
"Heaven and Human are united", renews the “ honesty of pure and perfect” moral practice, exploring the true nature, and demonstrates the thinking of "the metaphysical meaning of Essence of the moral value" and "humanity of honest morality " moral practice are whole view. It is precisely the transcendental realm of the physical evidence combination of the true nature of the honest morality and the heart of the heavens and the earth." The virtues of Heaven and Human are united", embrace the moral responsibility of the cultivation of the heavens and the earth, experience the self-cultivation of morality and heart, and then specify it into the course of the moral practice of the " the erudition of the inner saints and outer kings ". It develop the transcendental realm that the true nature of the honest morality at the same height of the virtues of Heaven. "The interaction between heaven, earth, and human "appeals to the connection between heaven and the sense of human life, comprehending the self-fulfillness of reciprocal alternation between the well and the unpropitious, as well as alternation between survival and extinction, and to reach the transcendental realm of heaven and earth are immortal. "Heaven and Human are united", "the virtues of Heaven and Human are united" of the interaction between heaven, earth, and human is the realm of moral value, which is not only a comprehensive view of self-life; but also a systematic and overall thinking that emphasizes the unity of mind and matter. The practice of "honest morality", shows the true nature and reaching the transcendental realm . ……Yan- Hui and Confucius’s claim to reach the transcendental realm of heaven and earth immortal, which are "being as the heaven" and “living with the heavens and the earth". The opinions are included in the “Three Talent (between heaven, earth, and human)”, which is the interaction of sensing the pattern of transcendental realm.
Zhou Dunyi's thought of "the interaction between universe and human" is to understand human behavior from the metaphysical theory of heaven and morality, and to explore the ultimate value and purpose of human existence. Interpretation of the morality is based on the Taiji (honest essence ), the spiritual realm of " self-thoroughness" value development, the moral practice process of cultivating the creation of spiritual energy, and then the social view of affirmative meaning and value pursuit. Constructing the ultimate concern of the individual for the society, and presenting the self-improvement of “self-thoroughness and others-thoroughness ", and integrating with whole creatures. It is the “integration of inside and outside" that integrates inside and outside the world; The author comprehending that the discipline of nature operation, to sense the world, and understand the grace given by nature. It is to the whole with the heavens and the earth , are a sensation of transcendental realm, "heaven and humanity thoroughness". This forms a complete cosmology, humanism and realm theory of "the interaction between universe and human", with the modern moral meaning of "the theory of heaven and man." This study applies the classical ideas to the thoughts of the world, constructs the modern moral value system of the individual and itself, the individual and the society, and the individual and the universe, to give the opportunity of life value and settlement.
Keywords:"The interaction between universe and human " ,
The honesty runs through "truth, nature, and command" ,
"The beginning and the end of the creature",
"The erudition of the inner saints and outer kings ",
"Metaphysics of the morality",


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