

主題關鍵詞:國小學生同儕關係Piaget社會認知論同儕關係問卷Elementary School StudentsPeer RelationshipPiagetSocial Cognitive TheoryPeer Relationship Questionnaire
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摘 要
本研究旨在了解Piaget社會認知理論同儕互動之同儕社會規範為客觀責任、主觀責任及合作正義,調查國小高年級學生之間同儕關係。本研究主要的研究方法為問卷調查法。調查樣本採用分層隨機取樣,從臺灣中部中彰投地區之公立國民小學高年級學生選出樣本1,100位。本研究共寄發1,100分問卷,回收1,088分,其中 1,088分皆為有效問卷;問卷回收率為98.9%,有效問卷為100%。問卷施測所得以SPSS 19.0進行分析,分析採用的統計方法以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾遜積差相關、多元廻歸分析為主。接著將統計所得資料進行分析與討論,同時歸納整理出結論。
一、Piaget 社會認知同儕社會規範之主觀責任、客觀責任及合作正義與國小高年級學生同儕關係策略之相關程度達顯著之差異。
九、Piaget 社會認知同儕社會規範之主觀責任、客觀責任及合作正義與國小高年級學生的同儕關係策略有中度相關。
The purpose of this study was to explore the Peer relationship among the elementary higher grade students in the Piaget’s Social Cognitive Theory of social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice. This study adopted questionnaire survey. The samples were chosen from public elementary higher grades students of 1100 and 1,088 effective questionnaires were collected in central Taiwan, of which 1,088 points were valid questionnaires; the questionnaire recovery rate was 98.9% and the effective questionnaire was 100%. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0. The statistical methods included descriptive analysist-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were conducted to answer the research questions.
As result from the analysis of this study, the conclusions were as following:
1. The degree Peer relationship strategy of Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice, by elementary higher grades students was at high level.
2. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of gender.
3. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of grades.
4. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of birth order.
5. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of socioeconomic status.
6. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of school locations.
7. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of school areas.
8. The elementary higher grades students showed significant difference of Peer relationship strategy in Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice regarding to the variables of school sizes.
9. Peer relationship strategy of elementary higher grades students was moderately high related to Piaget's social constraints as Objective Responsibility, Subjective Responsibility and Cooperative Justice.
10. In regression forecast of elementary higher grades students of applying construction to peer relationship strategy of Piaget's social constraints, especially the aspect of “Cooperation Justice” and that of “Subjective responsibility” were the two highly predictable variables.
Finally, based on the above conclusions of the study, some suggestions were
proposed for the suggestions to educational administrative authorities, elementary school teacher and future researchers.
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