

作者(外文):Tsai, Heng-Tsui
主題關鍵詞:存在現象學受苦轉化經驗時間性基督教處境奧秘籌劃Christianexistential phenomenologymysteryprojectingsituatednesstemporalitytransitional experience of suffering
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Human’s experience of suffering and the process of change have always been the core issues in counseling and psychotherapy. When it comes to exam why we suffer and how we rid of the suffering, spirituality plays an important role. Religion is a common way to nourish the spirituality. Christianity is one of the three major religions in the world and its population is rising year after year. This research aimed to explore the experience of spiritual suffering among Christians. Firstly, the literature of existential phenomenology on suffering and rid of suffering, including Heidegger’s and Sartre’s viewpoints, were reviewed. Then relevant research in local psychology on suffering and rid of suffering was sorted out and analyzed with four dimensions- situatedness, projecting, temporality and mystery to depict the experiences of suffering and rid of suffering. Finally, the literature on biblical spirituality and Christians’ experiences of suffering and rid of suffering was reviewed.
Bases on the viewpoint of the existential phenomenology and linguistic clues from Gee's seven speech context analysis tasks, this research carried out Heidegger’s existential analysis to show the truth and the existence. Two different forms of texts, the Book of Job in the Bible and interviews of three Christians who had suffered and got rid of suffering, were used to describe, restore, visualize and expose the existence of the dasein (sein). The description of suffering and rid of suffering experiences and the relation between rid of suffering and mystery was elucidated.
The results showed that: (1) Christians carried out various “requested” behaviors from the “I” point of view. Under dual breaks of “people and the world” and “people and gods,” they suffered due to “rejecting connection and failing to get what they prayed for.” It revealed the nature of Christians’ suffering experience- “searching for answers during ups and downs”. (2) Christians intended to carry out various "compliant" behaviors from the probable viewpoints of “God.” Under the dual healing of “people and the world” and “people and gods,” they got rid of suffering due to “accepting connection and facing reality”. It reveals the nature of Christians’ rid of suffering experience- “searching for good intention with surrendering to God.” (3) The structure of Christians’ experiences of transforming suffering included four quadrants: “fixed-position with dealing-with-the-midgarth”, “open-mindedness with dealing-with-the-midgarth”, “fixed-position with dealing-with-the-mystery”, and “open-mindedness with dealing-with-the-mystery.” Four modes were named accordingly: “I manipulated by the suffering”, “the suffering manipulated by me”, “God as my servant” and “I as God’s servant.” (4) The “Critical Incident Impact” initiated the transformation of Christians’ suffering and revealed the authentic existential face of “relying on but also not relying on”. Through continuous reflection, inquiry and interpretation, it was a dialectical process going back and forth between “I versus other”, “breaking versus healing” and “space versus time.” The transformation of suffering was a continuously dynamic changing process. “To reveal the truth” would be constantly “in progress” without ending (being "done"). In addition to the dialogue with counseling and psychotherapy, local psychology, and Christian beliefs, this study also provided specific suggestions for counseling practitioners and future research.
Keywords: Christian, existential phenomenology, mystery, projecting, situatedness, temporality, transitional experience of suffering
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