

主題關鍵詞:高齡女性社會參與領導經驗心理資本Senior WomenSocial ParticipationLeadership ExperiencePsychological Capital
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Many studies have shown that social participation by older people can promote active aging. In the aging society, the number of senior women has increased year by year, and their social participation has become an important issue. The purpose of this study is to explore the leadership experience and the psychological capital of senior leaders of women's association. Qualitative case study research method was used with in-depth interviews in this study. There are three leaders involved, who founded a women association in their middle-aged and are still active in the society.The significance of leadership experience to them and the significance of psychological capital to active aging can provide a deeper understanding of women's social participation and inspire the social participation of older women.
The study found that they can long-term participate due to the value beliefs and positive psychological capital. The social participation has a unique female leadership model and build deep friendship with sisters because women are accompanied by women. As social participation involved in various levels, they feel happy to learn and grow with sisters between interesting and meaningful. That’s why they would like to participate whole lifelong and encouraging women to involve as early as possible.
Their leadership experience covers five aspects: case service, growth learning, group activities, issue advocacy and organizational management. Among them, growth learning focuses on fostering gender awareness and improving the ability to change the situation. The topic advocates gender equality through women's group alliances. Women’s rights and interests are also advocated. Organization management has developed characteristics of co-governance. Because of the long-term commitment, seeing the changes of specific sisters and the increasing friendliness to women by society, they feel very fulfilled. However, it has also been found that fostering gender awareness requires more resources to intervene, and vulnerable women's groups need government assistance to reduce gender and class interaction.The meanings they feel from the leadership experience include: 1. Promoting self-development and changing self-image. Second, it can expand the horizon and enhance the height of life. Third, it can bring lifelong sister friends with heart-warming. Fourth, the social participation from public affairs fosters the meaning of life.
They believe that psychological capital is the power to support long-term social participation. Their development of psychological capital contains key characteristics such as self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience, and exhibits special gratitude characteristics. Those psychological capital means a big help to deal with their troubles or frustration in the leadership process. They are very satisfied with the current situation in which they can still continue to participate,and also agree that women who want to change their situation need to learn to develop psychological capital. Their positive psychological traits have the following implications for moving towards active aging: they can eliminate negative emotions and stimulate the motivation of old-age social participation, and help delay aging. Hope the above study findings can inspire the social participation of older women. Finally, recommendations are made for government departments, women's groups, and future research.
Keywords: senior women, social participation, leadership experience, psychological capital
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