

主題關鍵詞:機構安置正向行為支持功能評量思覺失調症不適當社會行為institutional placementpositive behavioral supportfunctional assessmentschizophreniainappropriate social behavior
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A collaborative action study was adopted to develop a positive behavioral support program to improve inappropriate social behaviors (non-compliance, inappropriate emotional expression), learn positive behaviors, and increase quality of life, review its implementation status, and analyze its effects for Alie diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed in an institution under control of antipsychotic drug. Besides, the team members' perspectives about collaborative teamwork implementation were analyzed. The study was concluded as follows:
1. Before the development plan, the researcher collected data by informant method and direct observation conducted functional assessment. The results analyzed the causes and functions of non-compliance behaviors, in order to acquire external stimuli and avoid external and internal stimuli; the causes and functions of inappropriate emotional expression, in order to avoid external stimuli, acquire external stimuli and avoid internals stimulate. Based on the results of the functional assessment, and taking into account factors such as environmental characteristics, individual traits and expectations, peer expectations and team members' ideas, a positive behavior support plan was developed. The positive behavior support plan included: (a) antecedent control strategies to prevent from inappropriate social behavior, (b) ecological procedures to improve the lifestyle and life routine, (c) teaching alternative skills to instruct positive behavior, i.e., coping and tolerance skills, (d) consequence interventions to increase positive behavior and improve inappropriate social behavior, (e) other strategies to reduce the physical troubles.
2. Functional assessment has been faced during the implementation process: (a) inability to grasp the background factors, (b) inconsistent views on functional assessment. The resolved dilemmas included: (a) viewed monitor or asked on duty, (b) discussed with relevant personnel. Positive behavior support strategies has been faced in the implementation process: (a) some other residents questioned the dual role of the researcher, (b) faced the problem of Alie’s controversy eager to smoke and smoke reduction, (c) the problem that the staff members are busy or not present to dump the food or distribute it to the same table, (d) aging and multiple diseases accompany follow-up care issues, (e) worried about hospitalization and resisting the problem of visiting the hospital. The resolved dilemmas included: (a) communicate and reflect on the role of action research, (b) teached how to cope with the desire to smoke cigarettes and replaced it with light cigarettes, gradually reducing the amount of smoke, (c) adjust the dining table, the list of dining at the same table, and the reaction cost strategy to improve eating problems, (d) regular outpatient medication, regular life routine and ecological support, (e) advance notice and key staff accompany the clinic. Faced with collaborative teamwork implementation: (a) some staff members questioned the dual role of the researcher; (b) a collaborative researcher quit halfway. The resolved dilemmas included: (a) communicate and reflect on the role of action research to clarify fair disputes, (b) the data was adopted and presented to participate in the discussion.
3. The positive behavioral support plan could reduce inappropriate social behavior (non-compliance, inappropriate emotional expression), and increase positive behavior and promotion the quality of life for Alie.
4. The implementation of the positive behavioral support plan can improve the views of peers and team members on Alie. Collaborative researchers and researcher have both grown and changed, learned the importance of collaborative teamwork and improved Alie’s inappropriate social behaviors with a consistent attitude.
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