

主題關鍵詞:幼兒多元文化教育多元文化課程childrenmulticultural educationmulticultural curriculum
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研究結果從幼兒多元文化教育課程實踐的歷程來說,包括: (一)教師應該幫助幼兒克服對差異帶來的不適反應(二)提問式教育是幼兒多元文化教育的實踐(三)在平等開放的學習環境,可以展現幼兒的獨特性(四)透過合作創作能促進幼兒進行人際互動(五)幼兒面對差異的態度受教師深刻影響(六)幼兒多元文化教育教師應更重視潛在課程的影響 (七)幼兒多元文化教育也是一種生活教育
從教師對教學的反思來說,包括:(一)以教師為中心的教育觀不利實踐多元文化教育課程(二)平等開放、互助關懷的班級氣氛是實踐幼兒多元文化教育課程的關鍵(三) 幼兒多元文化教育課程必須建立在師生平等的關係下進行(四)觀察反思有助於教師自我教學意識和師生權力關係的覺醒(五)教師從自我意識覺醒到教學實踐需要更多的外在助力。
This qualitative case study used textual analysis to explore the self-awareness of a private kindergarten teacher, in the practice of multicultural education. The curriculum of this private kindergarten targeted children over the age of five, consisting of different genders, ethnic groups and social classes, as well as special needs students. The curriculum design adopted a pluralist-multiculturalism perspective which aimed to promote children's interpersonal relationship and group relationship skills.These teaching strategies aimed to help young children develop self-affirmation and understand differences through respect and appreciation of attitudes among their peers. Young children were encouraged to share ideas and work together to achieve a multicultural learning environment.
Results from this research suggests that: (1) Teachers should help children overcome the discomfort caused by differences among peers, (2) problem-posing teaching could be the key to the practice of multicultural education, (3) equality in the learning environment can highlight the uniqueness of individuals, (4) teachers should promote interpersonal interaction through collaborative creation among students, (5) children’s appreciation toward their differences are deeply influenced by teachers attitudes, (6) preschool multicultural education teachers should pay more attention to the influence of potential teaching courses, (7) multicultural education can be seen as a kind of life education, and (8) rich cultural situations are indispensable in multicultural education.
The participating teacher's self-reflection are that: (1) teacher-centered educational concepts are an unfavorable practice for a multicultural education curriculum, (2) an atmosphere of equality, openness, and mutual care in the classroom is the key to the practice of multicultural education, (3) the cultural education curriculum must be established under the relationship of the teacher's life and beyond, (4) observation and self-reflection can promote teachers’ self-awareness of their role in their teaching environment, (5) teachers need support from colleagues and their teaching institution to implement improvements in their teaching practice.
Based on the conclusions of this case study, combined with my active participation in this learning environment, I provide suggestions for the design and practice of a future multicultural curriculum for kindergarten children.
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