

作者(外文):Chen, Ming-Jen
主題關鍵詞:職涯發展職場學習成年視障者career developmentworkplace learningadults with visual impairment
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本研究旨在探究成年視障者職涯發展與職場學習經驗。本研究採用質性研究,進行半結構式深度訪談,訪談五位工作經驗逾十年以上的成年視障者,以了解他們的職涯發展困境、職涯適應策略、職涯發展影響因素、職場學習內容與學習方式。研究結果發現包括:(1) 成年視障者的職涯發展困境存在於淺層到深層兩層面;(2)成年視障者對職涯困境的適應策略在不同階段上(包括生存苦撐期、穩定期及開展創造期)採取不同的策略;(3)影響成年視障者的職涯發展的因素,包括善用高等教育途徑、資源的有效運用、充分的自我理解及有利的組織環境等;(4)成年視障者的職場學習內容包括科技知能、專業知能及人際溝通知能;(5)成年視障者的學習方式呈現多元化,以類型來分,其組織內的個人學習、組織外的個人學習多於組織內的團體學習、組織外的團體學習。
The purpose of this study was to examine the career development process and workplace learning experience of the adults with visual impairment. The dimensions of career development process included career development barriers, the adaptation strategies to barriers, and factors affecting the successful employment. A semi-structured interview based on research questions was conducted, and data was analyzed using qualitative data analysis. The main findings of the study were as follows:
1.The career development barriers included external barriers and internal barriers.
2.The adaptation process of the adults with visual impairment could be divided into three stages: survival, stable and develop. They taken different adaptation strategies in different adaptation stages.
3.The factors affecting the successful employment were higher education, seeking assistance, self-understanding and environment.
4.The content of workplace learning was mainly composed of technology competence, professional competence, interpersonal skills.
5.There were several ways to promote learning in the workplace. Basically, the ways of personal learning inside the workplace and personal learning outside the workplace were over than collective learning inside the workplace and collective learning outside the workplace.
Based on the above analysis results, some suggestions were proposed to the adults with visual impairment, career training institutions and the employers.
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