

作者:簡忠仁 引用關係
作者(外文):Chung-Jen Chien
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本研究旨在建構並驗證認定領導(identity leadership)理論。立基於結構符號互動論與認定理論,本研究認為,領導者能夠透過特定的認定領導行為來激發部屬不同內涵的自我認定,進而影響部屬的工作行為。本研究以三個系列研究來建構並驗證認定領導。研究一聚焦於理論模型的發展,兼採演繹法與歸納法,透過理論推導與訪談事例,建構認定領導之內涵,將領導者影響部屬自我概念的行為作具體的描繪,並說明這些行為所帶來的影響。藉由研究一,我們得以釐清認定領導之行為內涵,及其所帶來之效果。研究二旨在發展具有信效度的測量問卷,奠基於研究一之定義內涵,編製可靠的施測問卷,並提供信度、效度及邏輯關聯網絡的相關證據。透過研究二,能夠產出符合心理計量屬性之問卷,使認定領導能夠精準的被測量,以作為未來相關研究的量化基準。研究三則聚焦於模式效果的驗證,以問卷調查法的方式,在組織場域中驗證認定領導的路徑模式與效果,探討認定領導可能的中介歷程與條件因素。透過研究三,能夠了解認定領導模式在組織中的實際效用並對其影響歷程有更清楚地掌握。綜合上述三個系列研究,本研究描繪了認定領導之內涵,並提供相關量化證據,而能為當今認定研究與領導文獻提供新的思考方向。
The primary purpose of this research is to construct identity leadership theory. Based on the structure symbolic interactionism and identity theory, we propose that a leader can affect subordinate''s self-concept by their leadership behavior to increase subordinate''s performance in an organization. There were three sub-research in this paper. At first, we focus on the description of identity leadership behaviors. We conduct several semi-structured interviews and content analysis to develop the construct dimensions of identity leadership. We also check the cross table to confirm the validity of these constructs and have some discussion between identity leadership behavior and previous leadership theories. Next, we develop an identity leadership scale and then conduct a series of procedural to establish reliability and validity of our scale. Finally, I adopt structure interaction theory to build the relationship among identity leadership behavior and subordinate''s self-identity and behavior outcomes. The Moderating effect of leader''s values is taking into consideration as well. Result supported that two different types of identity leadership behavior generate to subordinate''s performance though subordinate''s career identification or leader identification. This route is defined as the primary process in our study. Additionally, we also found that in some situation which leader have a high level of career identification or subordinate''s identification, identity leadership also have the secondary route to generate the cross-level effect. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and limitations and future research directions offered.
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