

作者:劉蓉果 引用關係
作者(外文):Rong-Kou Liu
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Rooted in social cognitive theory, this dissertation considered efficacy beliefs that each family member holds about its role as a spouse, parent, and child. With various research methods and designs, it was examined how these different family efficacy beliefs relate to the quality of family functioning, individual well-being, and family values over time. The first study analyzed survey data derived from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) of Taiwanese by means of structural equation modeling. The second study collected qualitative data via semi-structured interviews inviting 14 young and middle-aged adults in Northern Taiwan to reminisce about the stories they had heard from seniors in their family. Through the day reconstruction method to assess daily family interaction, the third study investigated the relation between family efficacy beliefs and everyday activities in the family. The results are listed as follows. (1) Parental efficacy, marital efficacy, and filial efficacy were linked to the qualities of their corresponding relationship respectively, reflecting the “domain- specific” theoretical construct of efficacy. (2) People’s perceived self-efficacy to manage family relationships affected their satisfaction with family life both directly and through its impact on family practices, and these relations held both concurrently and longitudinally. In particular, marital efficacy contributed the most to the quality of family life in contemporary Taiwan society. (3) Besides the past experiences of family interaction and relation, personal values related to the family functions, such as the marriage institution and affective connection, helped establish efficacy. (4) Thematic analysis of the content of family story vignettes identified four distinct themes: family history, challenge and difficulty, didactic messages, and family ethics and customs. In sum, family storytelling passes down family traditions and rituals; connects a family’s past, providing a guide to the present and future; teaches important life lessons of the family system and of the larger sociocultural contexts; and helps members make sense of, and get through, hard times. (5) The structure of accounts narrated by each participant revealed three kinds of social-cognitive processes for meaning-making of family experiences: switching time perspectives between the past, present, and future, explaining the meaning of life events to the family from the perspective of those with different family roles, and praising the virtue of taking responsibility for the well-being of the family. (6) Family efficacy beliefs could influence the quality of family daily interactions. Specifically, filial efficacy and marital efficacy enhanced positive emotions and competent, lessened negative emotions, worry and tiredness in everyday family activities. In conclusion, for understanding the reciprocal relations among efficacy beliefs, family processes, and psychological adjustments, it is important to take the dynamics of the whole family system and cultural values into consideration.
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