

作者(外文):YANG, FU-RUNG
主題關鍵詞:臉書社會比較自戀傾向幸福感自尊生活滿意度Facebooksocial comparisonnarcissistic tendencywell-beingself-esteemlife satisfaction
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In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in the effects of Facebook use on the individual’s well-being. Many researchers agree that Facebook use influences individuals’ well-being; however, whether Facebook use increases or decreases well-being is under debated. This study investigated the relationship between college students' Facebook use and well-being from the perspective of social comparison, with narcissistic tendency as the moderating variable. It explored how narcissistic tendencies’ moderation of well-being for the social comparison domain (agency vs. communion) and for the social comparison direction (upward vs. downward) were related.
Firstly, a pretest study with 211 college students was used to assess the reliability and construct validity of scales. Secondly, a pilot study which consisted of 126 college students was used to assess the usefulness of experimental situations of Facebook social comparison domain (agency vs. communion) and directions (upward vs. downward), four experiments manipulated agency upward and downward and manipulated communion upward and downward using mocked-up Facebook profiles of a comparison target. Finally, 324 college students were invited to participants the official experiment and fill out Facebook usage behavior scale, narcissistic tendency scale, right after they finish viewing Facebook profile by experimental design. In the end, they were referred to completed self-esteem scale and life satisfaction scale.
The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression to indicate the direction and relationship between the variables. The findings of the study were stated below:
1. While browsing Facebook profiles, college students in Taiwan arose "assimilation" effect, well-being increased after upward social comparison and decreased after downward social comparison.
2. Narcissistic tendency moderates social comparison domain (agency vs. communion) and social comparison direction (upward vs. downward). For individuals with low narcissistic tendencies on Facebook agency comparison, an assimilation effect was exhibited; for individuals with high narcissistic tendencies on Facebook communion comparison, an assimilation effect was exhibited.
3. Narcissism tendency was associated with the individual's Facebook usage behavior significantly. Students with higher level of narcissism tendency demonstrated longer usage and more number of friends.
Some suggestions for teachers and counselors, educational authorities and were also provided.

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