

作者(外文):LEE, I-Chuan
主題關鍵詞:女性教師生涯抉擇生涯轉化生涯角色Female teacherscareer choicescareer transformationcareer roles
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This study aims to explore the career development and transformation of female teachers to understand their self-development and construction after the career transformation.
The researcher applied the narrative research method of qualitative research to deeply analyze the choice and transformation process of the three female teachers' careers through interview. The analysis of the " holistic -content" and " categorical - content" modes focuses on the presentation of the complete life story of the respondent, by first interpreting their life stories, and then comprehensively analyzing and discussing them under the research objective and research issues.
There are main findings as follows:
1.The career development experience of female teachers
Family experience affects the career decision of female teachers. Self-concept and maternal traits affect the balance between female teachers' career input and multiple roles. Female teachers' career stages and life development overlap and blend in the work-family relationship.
2.The transformation process of career choice
Different life stages bring about different multiple role balance and choices. Life events are the driving force of career development and the opportunity to transform and grow. Learning helps enhancing self-efficacy. Female teachers take action to adapt to new careers through exploring and choosing.
3. The development and construction of the self
Self-development is the result of interaction between people and the environment. Perception begins with understanding of self. Female teachers re-construct a complete self after disintegration of self, and then pursue higher level of existence to settle down the body and mind with freedom.
Finally, based on the research results, relevant suggestions are provided to researchers interested in the issue of female teachers, women's career development, and related topics in the future.
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