

作者(外文):Kuo, Shu Hui
主題關鍵詞:在職訓練培訓方案藝術治療藝術教育治療教師成長art education therapyart therapyon-the-job trainingteacher’s growthtraining program
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1. 教師在藝術教育治療培訓的經驗,整合個人創作與團體經驗之內外在現實,歸納為五項經驗本質:(1)創作的具體實踐促進了自我表達,協助情緒淨化與情感昇華、(2)創作歷程引發內在現實與自我對話,促進思考與覺察、(3)創作歷程引發內在現實與他人對話,促進對人我關係的覺察、(4)整體歷程的安全氛圍促進人際間的互動、(5)整體歷程的經驗整合個人存在的意義與價值。2. 藝術教育治療培訓對其自我成長的可能影響有(1)主動參與,進入探索自我的旅程,提高教學效能的使命感、(2)促進自我覺察與成長、(3)提升藝術教育治療專業知能,增進輔導能力,激發將藝術運用在教學並且與同儕分享。
This study aims to explore the experience of elementary teachers in “the art education therapy training workshop” (hereinafter referred to as “the workshop”) and the possible impacts of the workshop on teacher’s personal growth. The subjects were four formal elementary school teachers participated in the workshop. Using the Qualitative research method, and the interviews were conducted within two weeks after the workshop. The results of the data analysis shown as the following: the teachers’ experiences of participating in the art education therapy training workshop, and the possible impacts of the workshop on their personal growth.
First, the experience of teachers during the workshop, integrating the internal and external reality of their personal creation and group experience, was summarized into five experiential themes. These were (1) the practice of art creation promotes self-expressions, purifies self-emotions and sublimates self-feelings, (2) the creative process triggers the connection between personal inner reality and self talk, promotes self awareness, (3) the creative process promotes self awareness in the interpersonal relationship, (4) a safe and supportive atmosphere improves personal connections to others, (5) the experience of the whole process integrates the meaning of individual existence. Second, the possible impacts of the workshop on their personal growth includes: (1) Becoming actively participate, improve the effectiveness of teaching in the journey of self-exploration, (2) Promoting self-awareness and growth, (3) Enhancing one’s professional knowledge of in art education therapy and counseling skills, and stimulating the ideas of applying and sharing in teaching.
Finally, in accordance with the results and discussion, the suggestions for the practical planning and future research of the art education therapy training project for elementary teachers will be given in the final chapter of this research.
Keywords : art education therapy, art therapy, on-the-job training, teacher’s growth, training program
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