

作者(外文):Lee, Yu-Te
主題關鍵詞:內化問題整合性輔導方案表達性媒材介入同儕介入生態系統諮詢internalizing problemsintegrated counseling programexpressive media interventionpeer-mediated counselingecosystem consultation
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The purpose of this study is to explore the efficacy of an integrated intervention program for children with internalizing problems. Based on past literature, pilot studies, and work experience as a school counselor, the researcher develops an integrated counseling program for students with internalizing problems. This integrated program includes a two-stage process with 13 weeks for each stage. The first stage uses expressive media interventions to facilitate client’s language expressions as well as exploration of their inner feelings and thoughts. It also provides ecosystem consultation (including administrative consultation, teacher consultation, and parent consultation) to improve client’s school and home adjustment. The second stage uses peer-mediated counseling sessions, i.e., encouraging the client to invite some friendly peers to participate in individual counseling session, to increase the client’s interpersonal experience and connection as well as meet their social interests and needs. It also uses peer feedback to promote the client’s social skills and self-confidence to reduce the severity of internalizing problems.
This study adopted a single-subject research method, using multiple intervention-withdrawal and follow-up design, which includes four phases: baseline, intervention 1 (expressive media intervention + ecosystem consultation), withdrawal, and intervention 2 (peer-mediated counseling + ecosystem consultation), and follow-up. The researcher recruited two male school-age children who have met the criteria for internalizing problems defined in the study, one with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and another with depression, to participate in this study. They were evaluated before, during, and after receiving this integrated counseling program for their internalizing problems as well as positive and negative behaviors and emotions. The findings are as follows.
1.For both participants, their internalizing problems as well as positive and negative behaviors and emotions were improved as the results of this integrated program. Both stage 1 and stage 2 have gained immediate effect at the end of each intervention stage. There was also a maintenance effect at the end of the four-week delay period, i.e., the improvement was stable.
2.Comparing the intervention outcome of the two participants, it is found that the child with OCD had greater improvement in his internalizing problems than the one with depression. A plausible explanation for this phenomena is that cognitive behavioral techniques had been incorporated in this integrated program to reduce the thought problem for the child with OCD and the result was a better and more lasting outcome for the child with OCD.
In conclusion, this integrated counseling program has immediate and lasting effect for children with internalizing problems. It is recommended that practitioners can use this integrated program as a guide to develop more focused and individualized integrated program for specific problems and conditions in a variety of cases with internalizing problems in order to enhance the precision and effectiveness of counseling.
Keywords: internalizing problems, integrated counseling program, expressive media intervention, peer-mediated counseling, ecosystem consultation
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