

主題關鍵詞:毒品犯罪區位特性犯罪地理資訊系統大數據犯罪製圖drug crimedstrict caracteristiccriminal geographic information systembig datacrime mapping
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With the increasingly deteriorating trend of drug crime and the challenge of new drug inspection, this study aims to describe and identify the crime traits based on the current drug crime investigations, and data analysis and statistical mapping in Taiwan. The analysis also provides details of the above mentioned through the differences of demographical layout and geographical constraints. In addition, through interviews on effectiveness and efficiency, value, capability, support and satisfaction of the field law enforcement, this study explores and assesses the support provided from various levels of execution, identifying the existing challenges and providing solutions to enhance performance and effectively reduce drug crime rate in Taiwan.
This study utalises quantitative research method through data research and criminal geographic information system, creating crime mapping based on big data analysis of location and population characteristics. The research discovers that offenders of drug crime in Taiwan are characterised as “Junior/Senior high school educated”, “Difficulty in finance”, “Labour intensive worker”, “Middle to low income families from the middle or southern Taiwan” . In terms of regional districts in Taipei (13 administrative districts including Xinzhuang), 16 of their subordinate villages indicate a high density, and 20 villages second high density. The seizure of drug crimes was highest at 20-24, at 16-20 the second. Additional research suggests transfer, aggregation and diffusion trends from high density districts including Banqiao District, Sanchong District and Zhonghe District to more peripheral Luzhou district, Tucheng district, Shulin district and Yonghe District. The discovery could be a reference for duty planning and strategy development in police agencies and subordinate branches and future policy making.
In addition, 8 field practitioners were selected for in-depth interviews . This study explores the 10 existing anti-drug projects planned by police agencies and the effectiveness of drug crime investigation through triangulation method. The research discovers the common trait for “detective” and “preventive” strategies are, namely, “Lack of field experience in young officers”, “Severe generation gap”, “Insufficient administrative reward, relevant supportive policies and lack of incentive”, “Unwillingness to engage with local communities”, and “Unwillingness to interact with the residents”. The difference is, however, detective strategy is dominant, which attracts more attention and encouragement, while preventive strategy is more implicit, which is more difficult to provide visable results. Additionally, both “preventive strategies” and “integrated strategies” have lower number of responsible prosecutors, which translates into lower willingness to deploy and severe workload and pressure for criminal investigation. The main difference between these two is that “preventive strategies” are conducted by active law enforcement and passive prosecutor involvement, while “integrated strategies” includes joint efforts of both the law enforcement and the prosecutors.
This research discovers the problems and the root causes of the anti-drug projects conducted in Taiwan through the above mentioned-strategies, providing solutions for the existing execution and future suggestions based on the results. The findings give light on 9 practical aspects including strategy, implementation, planning, legislation, investigation, prevention, integration, technology, education and training, and future planning in the hope to provide solid reference for policy agencies to plan future anti-drug implementation.
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