

主題關鍵詞:身心障礙者貧窮生活保障差異經濟收支disabilitypovertyliving allowancedifferencesincome and expenditure
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Since disability and poverty are inextricably linked, people with disabilities have a higher risk of falling into poverty than people without disabilities. In Taiwan, there is less research about poverty involving people with disabilities. This study qualitative research analysis to conduct in-depth interviews about the life-course and the monthly income and expenditure profile of seven low-income people with disabilities, and focuses on the analysis of article 28 of CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities).
Focus on understanding the actual monthly income and expenditure status of persons with disabilities in poverty , and attempt to illustrate the link between the risk of persons with disabilities falling poverty and the disability itself, and the weakness of the people with disabilities to respond to changes in the environment is due to its own disability or public policy.
The study that low income households with disabilities do not have less income than expenditure, the main source of income is through subsidies, and the government's related subsidies and welfare services do not support low-income families with disabilities. Even if people with disabilities have a job, they are unable to work full-time and can only work part-time, mainly because of the " limitations" of people with disabilities.
Household economic expenditures are dominated by housing and food to maintain their basic survival. The inability of people with disabilities to change in the external environment comes from the disability and the lack of flexibility in welfare policies to respond to them.
These two disadvantages cause the poor to fall into chronic income and expenditure, but also leads to the emergence of debt. This constant cycle of debt makes it impossible for the poor to get out of poverty. According to the recommendation of adequate living standards and social protection in Article 28 of the CRPD, we should think about the right of people with disabilities and the government needs to think about the various ways to promote their social protection.
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