

作者:李新鄉 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Hsin-hsiang
主題關鍵詞:師資培育工作價值觀教師角色知覺任教承諾Work valuesRole perceptions about teachersCommitment to teaching
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     本研究之主要目的在比較師範校院公、自費生與一般大學教育學程學生就讀滿意度、工作價值觀、教師角色知覺和任教承諾上之差異,並進而探討三種身份學生之社經地位水準、就讀滿意度、工無價值觀、教師角色知覺等變項對任教承諾的預測力。 本研究之可用樣本1341位,包含三所師大、五所師院、及十所設有教育學程之一般大學。研究工具包含就讀滿意問卷、工作價值觀問卷、教師角色知覺量表及任教承諾量表。 本研究經以單因子多變量分析,t考驗、單因子變異分析及逐步迴歸分析獲致下述主要發現: 1. 師範校院公、自費生及一般大學教育學程學生在家庭社經地位上之分配並無顯著差異。 2. 師範校院公、自費生之就讀滿意度、教師角色知覺和任教承諾均分別高於或比一般大學教育學程學生更積極;一般大學教育學生則在工作價值觀-自我期許自我發揮之因素上比師範校院公、自費為正向而肯定。 3. 就讀滿意度、工作價值觀及教師角色知覺對任教承諾具有預測力。
     The purpose of this study is to compare the difference between the students in teachers' universities or colleges and the students in teacher education program (TEP) at general universities in terms of their satisfaction level toward TEP, work values, role perceptions about teacher and commitment to teaching. The majoring findings of this study are as following: 1. The students in teachers' universities or colleges have higher or more positive concept on the satisfaction level toward TEP, role perceptions about teacher and the commitment to teaching than the students in general universities; but in terms of work values is on the contrary. 2. The satisfaction level toward TEP, work values and role perceptions about teacher can be used to predict different levels of the commitment to teaching.
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