

作者:沈松僑 引用關係
作者(外文):Shen, Sung-chiao
主題關鍵詞:歷史書寫民族英雄晚清國族想像Historical writingNational heroesLate QingImagination of nationhood
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     本文試圖透過晚清時期(1895-1912)中國知識份子對中國「民族英雄」系譜的建構,討論歷史書寫與國族想像的關係。 在國族主義意識型態的推動下,晚清知識份子提出「史學革命」的號召,對中國傳統歷史書寫進行徹底改造,建立了一套國族主義化的「新史學」。中國「民族英雄」的概念與系譜,便是此一國族史學論述的重要產物。然而,基於反滿革命與保皇立憲對峙分流、相互抗衡的政治現實,立場參差、利益迥異的各派知識份子,對於中國的「民族英雄」,卻有著截然不同的建構方式。粗略而言,他們所建構出的中國「民族英雄」,大致分屬於兩套壁壘分明的「系譜」。對主張反滿革命的激進派知識份子而言,中國的「民族英雄」,上起岳飛、下迄洪秀全,其取捨的標準完全繫於漢族對異己族群的排拒與抵抗。至於以梁啟超為代表的立憲派知識份子,則反對以族群界線為依據;他們所標榜的中國「民族英雄」,要以向外開疆拓土、宣揚「國家」聲威的張騫、班超、鄭和諸人為主。因此,這兩種不同的「民族英雄系譜」書寫方式,雖然同樣都透過「神話」的營造,把過去的歷史人物,扯出具體的時空脈絡,轉化為近代中國國族認同賴以存立的文化符號;卻也促發了兩種涇渭有別、彼此競爭的國族想像方式。中國作為一個「想像的共同體」,或是一個純粹由漢族所組成的族群團體,或是一個完全以「國家目的」為依歸的政治社群。由是以觀,民族英雄系譜的建構,實為近代中國國族主義文化政治的具體展演,也是一個對抗、爭持與協商的權力場域。
     It is now well recognized that historical writing has an underneath in the cultural process of national imagination. This article seeks to examine from this perspective the ways the late Qing (1895-1912) Chinese intellectuals invented a new kind of Chinese history with newfound “national heroes” and their exploits. Under the sway of modern nationalism as an ideology, the Chinese intellectuals began to advocate a nationalized Chinese “new history” in the late nineteenth century. The concept of “national hero” and the national heroes found were nothing but the products of this nationalist project. Since differing in political stand, the Chinese intellectuals discovered different historical figures to serve their own purposes. Anti-Manchu Han revolutionaries emphasized the principle of ethnicity and focused their eyes only upon those who had fought heroically against the invasion of alien ethnic groups. The Constitutionalist reformers, on the other hand, emphasized the principle of state and brought into the pantheon of “national heroes” only those who had fought to aggrandize Chinese glory and territory in the past. The contrast reflects two different ways of imagining Chinese nation—either as an exclusive ethnic community of Han descents or as an inclusive state-centered political community. In the late Qing process of national imagination, the issue of Chinese “national heroes” thus appeared as a cultural field where intellectuals of different political visions debated, contested and negotiated with each other.
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