

作者:吳嘉苓 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Chia-ling
主題關鍵詞:專業化專業自主權性別國家權力助產士ProfessionalizationProfessional autonomyGenderState powerMidwives
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(27) 博士論文(9) 專書(3) 專書論文(3)
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This paper investigates the rise and decline of licensed midwives in Taiwan from the power approach. I analyze the five mechanisms of (de-)professionalization ─ the redefinition of problems, the use of tools and skills, the educational system, the credential system, and the health insurance system ─ through the interaction of four social actors implicated in the process, i.e. the state, the physicians, the midwives, and the consumers. This analysis shows that the rise and decline of midwives in Taiwan is neither the inevitable outcome of a massive cause such as fast economic development or modernization, nor a “natural selection” of skills, but the consequence of diverse power struggles under specific historical conditions. Japan's colonization of Taiwan between 1895 and 1945 imported the ideas and practices of scientific midwifery. It was a top-down state policy. Although obstetricians controlled training and licensing, midwives with their superiority in numbers, gender and superlative skills, gained professional autonomy and monopolized birth attendance. Another historical rupture ─ the arrival of the Nationalist government after 1945─brought a sudden threat to the Western-style physicians' professional dominance. However, through the revision of the Physician Act in the 1960s, and the timely “help” of the family planning programs, Western-style physicians successfully augmented their hegemonic status in the medical hierarchy. In addition, without state support, such as upgrading midwifery education, midwifery quickly declined. The inauguration of National Health Insurance in 1995 and its exclusion of midwives triggered a midwifery survival/revival movement ─ a female professional project ─ for the first time in Taiwan's history. The transformation of birth attendants in Taiwan has been entangled in multi-dimensioned power struggles under specific social and historical contexts. The case of Taiwan also demonstrates the importance of historicizing the changing relationship between the state and the profession, as well as the changing nature of gender in the discussion of professionalization.
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