

作者(外文):Wu, Ya-hui
主題關鍵詞:多元文化教育教學信念運作課程Multicultural educationTeaching beliefOperational curriculum
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     本研究旨在探討教師多元文化教學信念在運作課程中的實踐,以及影響教師課程運作的相關因素。本研究採質性研究方法,以一位六年級國小教師及其班級為研究對象,研究者進入實施多元文化課程方案實施的教室中進行觀察,並對教師進行半結構式的深度訪談,以瞭解教師所持有的多元文化教學信念,以及教師在課程運作中如何將其內隱的教學信念外顯在教學實務中,並且探討影響教師課程運作的教學環境外在結構因素。 從研究結果中發現教師雖抱持多元文化教學信念,但是受到課程方案主題、教學工作繁重以及教師本身的課程觀等因素影響,使得教師的多元文化教學信念與其課程運作中的教學行為存在不一致性。但是卻可發現教師在實驗教學期間不斷地自我反省及成長,使得教師的多元文化教學信念及其教師專業皆獲得開展。因此多元文化教育的推行,不僅應積極建立教師的多元文化教學信念並往下紮根外,更應結構性地改變學校的課程及教師的教學,如此才能真正地營造多元文化教育的環境,培養具有多元文化觀的現代公民。
     This study aimed to understand an elementary teacher's multicultural teaching belief, her operational curriculum, and the factors influencing the gap between teaching belief and operational curriculum. Through the qualitative methods, this study chose a teacher and her sixth grade class as the study participants. The researcher utilized participant observation, in-depth interview and documents analysis to collect data. The study found that the teacher had firm multicultural teaching belief though, the teacher's multicultural teaching belief differed from her teaching practice. The gap resulted from some factors, such as curriculum goals, heavy teaching loading, and teacher's perspective in curriculum. However, the teacher kept improving and self-reflecting on her multicultural teaching belief and her teaching profession during the teaching process. Therefore, in order to push the development of multicultural education, not only should we help teachers build the multicultural teaching belief, but also should we reform the structure of school curriculum and teaching practices of teachers. So that an authentic multicultural educational environment can be built and modern citizens with multicultural perspective will grow.
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