

作者(外文):Chang, Li-ke
主題關鍵詞:棒球認同全球化洋將民族主義邊陲化BaseballIdentitiesGlobalizationForeign playersNationalismPeripheralizing
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     棒球在近百年前從日本傳入台灣後,其場域一直折射著台灣社會各場域的變化。 台灣棒球在一九九○年職業化,同時加速與美國、日本,及中南美洲的扣連。本文探討, 台灣棒球在此世界體系中的客觀位置,以及人們相應地對此位置的主觀理解,即台灣棒球 的認同動態。調查發現,由於賭博案爆發、「洋將」過量、資本家利益衝突等因素,九○ 年代初期台灣棒球的榮景,在九○年代中期即已逐漸衰落。台灣棒球與美國、日本、及中 南美洲棒球場域的相對位置,出現邊陲化趨勢,認同也向全球化力量傾科。相應於美國、 日本棒球場域的支配,本地出現民族主義的反動。 然而,這種認同抵抗一方面以相同邏 輯,複製殖民主義的認同暴力;另一方面,這種認同抵抗恰可能為全球化資本主義體系所 收編,以多元文化主義姿態服務於職棒跨國公司的經營策略。
     Ever since its importation from Japan to Taiwan nearly a century earlier, baseball has constantly refracted changes in various fields in this island. Taiwan's baseball goes professional in 1990 and has since accelerated its links with the US, Japan and Latin American countries. This paper explores how objective position of Taiwan baseball sports is subjectively interpreted by its fans in the 1990s. The author contends that, as the spots declines with gambling scandal, oversupply of foreign players and conflicts arising from capitalists, its fans have become identified themselves less with local players during the past few years. And as a response to American and Japanese domination, there are indeed some nationalistic reactions which are by no means progressive, however. The reproduce colonial violence and at the same time can well be incorporated within the regime of global capitalism as the transnational baseball corporations have been good at exploiting multiculturalism.
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