

作者:王振寰 引用關係高士欽
作者(外文):Wang, Jenn-hwanGau, Shrchin
主題關鍵詞:全球化在地化高科技園區工具機業學習型區域GlobalizationLocalizationScience parkMachine tools industryLearning region
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(18) 博士論文(6) 專書(3) 專書論文(1)
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In the age of globalization, regions that have competitive advantages in the world market have been due mainly to factors of geographical proximity, social capitals and institutional learning mechanisms. In this paper, we investigate the historical trajectories of how and why the Hsin-chu scientific industrial park and Taichung's machine tools industry have restructured to become learning regions. We argue that the machine tools industry in Taichung area was a self-propelled one. lt was after the 1980s that an industrial network has been developed to form the area to become a machine tools region. However, it was only in the 1990s, because of the set up of various research and development institutes and their functions to integrate the existing intensive learning mechanisms of the networking firms, the characteristics of a learning region appear. Different from the Taichung machine tools region, the Hsin-chu scientific industrial park was a creation of the state. The sources of knowledge and technology of the firms were mainly transferred from the Industrial and Technology Research Institute, overseas Chinese and foreign firms. It was from the late 1980s that the industrial network has developed to enhance the networking interactions and learning mechanisms, plus the increasing intensity of strategic alliances among firms, this area has become a learning region toward innovation. Finally, we argue that the Taichung region lacked strong global connection which shows characteristics of weak competition. on the contrary, the Hsin-chu scientific industrial park has integrated various learning mechanisms with global firms and synergized to become an innovative milieu, which have shown the characteristics of a strong competition type that involves more intensive learning and knowledge-creation activities.
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