

作者(外文):Hung, Shun-lung
主題關鍵詞:文選雜歌雜詩雜擬題材抒情與敘事Wen hsuanMiscellaneous songsMiscellaneous poetryMiscellaneous imitative poemsThemeLyric and narrative
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《文選》詩歌支類有〈雜歌〉、〈雜詩〉、〈雜擬〉三種雜體詩歌。由於研究六朝詩歌文類的需要,本論文就「雜」的概念、「雜」的現象、類聚群分的因素、題材類型等幾個角度,加以研析和論述。發現「雜」是「既非一骨」、「固亦二體」。三支類的雜,同中有異,而「雜」的現象也不盡相同。 大體言之,有篇什個體內容之雜和支類體類形式內容均雜的現象。既然類體現象雜,又何以類聚成群呢?研究的結果,發現由於個體內容雜,與《文選》詩歌其他支類類似點模糊,無所歸屬,編者將無所歸屬的篇什綜合為一支類,以「雜」為類名,「雜」成為三支類自己篇什群分類聚的因素,也成為與其他支類群分的因素。其各自類體的分子間之雜,乃由此形成。而三支類之分,乃因「雜」的共性之外,〈雜歌〉以「可歌」為類聚因素 (用途);〈雜詩〉以「徒詩不歌」而與〈雜歌〉分;類聚因素是內容形式都雜 (內容為主);〈雜擬〉則以其「擬」的表現形式為類聚因素,並藉之與〈雜歌〉、〈雜詩〉群分。如果我們由題材視點看,三支類各有題材類型群,且體材額型互相交叉,這就是三支類的文體性質。這篇研究,不但揭露《文選》中〈雜歌〉、〈雜詩〉、〈雜擬〉三支類的文體性質,且提供統一視點文類研究 (包括形式、題材等方面) 以堅實的基礎,具有積極進步的意義。(如由題材視點看:《文選》中〈雜歌〉有敘事系統中的「遊俠詩」、「建國史詩」、「征戍詩」等,又有抒情系統中的「愛情詩」;〈雜詩〉有抒情系統中的「愛情詩」、「友誼詩」、「親情詩」、「狹義詠懷詩」、「田園詩」、「山水詩」、「隱逸詩」、「詠物詩」等,又有敘事系統中「詠史詩」、「邊塞詩」、「征戍詩」、「狹義敘事詩」等;〈雜擬〉有抒情系統中的「愛情詩」、「親情詩」、「狹義詠懷詩」、「詠物詩」、「山水詩」、「遊仙詩」、「玄言詩」、「田園詩」等,又有敘事系統中的「詠史詩」、「遊俠詩」、「征戍詩」、「狹義敘事詩」等,就是由題材統一視點分析所得的成果。)
Three interesting “Miscellaneous” categories are found in the poetry of the Wen Hsuan: the Miscellaneous Songs, Miscellaneous Poems, and Miscellaneous Imitative Poems. This research analyzes and explains the concepts, characteristics, principles of categorization, and themes of these works, thus contributing to the understanding of Six Dynasties literature. The Miscellaneous categories are heterogeneous not only in that they do not correspond to standard categories, but also in that the range of individual works within each category is quite diverse. Why are writings that differ so greatly from each other placed together? This research attempts to identify the nature of the incongruity between these works and other poems, either in style or in content. This incongruity explains why the poems were grouped together in the editorial process and termed “miscellaneous.” Nevertheless, common features can still be found among them: The Miscellaneous Songs are poems composed for singing; the Miscellaneous Poems comprises poems that cannot be sung; and the Miscellaneous Imitative Poems are poems composed through imitation. From a thematic perspective, each of the three categories has its own theme, but shares stylistic features with the other two categories. This is the peculiar feature of the Miscellaneous categories. By exploring the nature of these three categories, this paper provides an interesting perspective on the categorization of literature in terms of formal features and theme. In terms of theme, in the Miscellaneous Songs we find a narrative approach in poems such as “hero poems,” “state-building poems,” and “war poems.” In the Miscellaneous Poems, we find a lyrical approach in poems such as “love poems,” “friendship poems,” “kinship poems,” “narrow-sensed expressions of feeling poems,” “idyllic poems,” “landscape poems,” “hermit poems,” and “article poems” on the one hand, and a narrative approach in poems such as “history poems,” “frontier poems,” “war poems,” and “narrow-sensed narrative poems” on the other. The Miscellaneous Imitative Poems display a lyrical approach in poems such as “love poems,” “kinship poems,” “narrow-sensed expressions of feeling poems,” “article poems,” “landscape poems,” “wandering immortals poems,” “mystery poems,” and “idyllic poems,” and a narrative approach in poems such as “historic poems,” “hero poems,” “war poems,” and “narrow-sensed narrative poems.”
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