

作者:郭承天 引用關係
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18.Bulmer, Simon J.(1998)。New Institutionalism and the Governance of the Single European Market。Journal of European Public Policy,5(3),365-386。  new window
19.Colander, David(1996)。New Institutionalism, Old Institutionalism, and Distribution Theory。Journal of Economic Issues,30,433-442。  new window
20.Groenewegen, John、Kerstholt, Frans、Nagelkerke, Ad(1995)。On Integrating New and Old Institutionalism: Douglass North Building Bridges。Journal of Economic Issues,29(2),467-475。  new window
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22.Kato, Junko(1996)。Institutions and Rationality in Politics--Three Varieties of Neo-Institutionalists。British Journal of Political Science,26(4),553-582。  new window
23.Kraatz, Matthew S.、Zajac, Edward J.(1996)。Exploring the Limits of the New Institutionalism: The Causes and Consequences of Illegitimate Organizational Change。American Sociological Review,61(5),812-836。  new window
24.Rutherford, Malcolm(1994)。The Old and the New Institutionalism: Can Bridges Be Bulit?。Journal of Economic Issues,29(2),443-451。  new window
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3.Gasiorowski, Mark J.、Power, Timothy J.(1996)。The Consolidation of Democracy in the Third World: A Structural Analysis。San Francisco, CA。  new window
4.郭承天、Chen, Shangmao、Huang, Zonghao(1999)。From Asian Miracle to Asian Debacle: Capital Institutions and Reforms in Taiwan。Atlanta。  new window
1.郭承天(1997)。東亞民主化與經濟發展:政治經濟策略結構理論 (計畫編號:NSC86-2414-H004-017)。  延伸查詢new window
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22.郭承天(19960000)。國際建制與國際組織。臺北:時英。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.Nelson, Richard R.、Winter, Sidney G.(1982)。An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change。Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press。  new window
24.Scott, W. Richard(1987)。Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems。Prentice-Hall。  new window
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28.Finifter, Ada W.(1993)。Political Science: The State of the Discipline。Washington, DC:American Political Science Association。  new window
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33.Ostrom, Elinor(1996)。Institutional Rational Choice: An Assessment of the IAD Framework。Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association。San Francisco, CA。  new window
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1.Garrett, Geoffrey、Weingast, Barry R.(1993)。Ideas, Interests, and Institutions: Constructing the European Community's Internal Market。Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change。Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press。  new window
2.North, Douglass C.(1995)。The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development。The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development。New York, NY:Routledge。  new window
3.Jervis, Robert(1983)。Security Regimes。International Regimes。NY:Cornell University Press。  new window
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