

作者:郭丁熒 引用關係
作者(外文):Guo, Ding-ying
主題關鍵詞:教師角色角色差距差距來源教師工作Teacher roleRole discrepancySources of role discrepancyTeacher work
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本研究旨在探討臺灣小學教師理想與實際角色知覺差距的來源及其相關因素。透過文獻探討及調查等方法進行資料蒐集,並使用研究者所編訂之「國民小學教師角色知覺差距來源量表」來調查臺灣 938 位小學教師,經以 SPSS for Windows 8.0套裝軟體中次數分配、單因子多變項分析、薛費多重比較分析法、及關聯強度係數來進行資料處理與分析。研究結果發現「小學教師角色差距的主要來源包括 『 角色無能和限制 』(盲)、『 角色負荷」(忙)、『 角色模糊」(尨)及『 個人志趣不符」(茫)」「小學教師所知覺之角色差距來源,以外在差距較嚴重」、「小學教師所知覺角色差距來源,因擔任職務、婚姻狀況、子女狀況、性別、年資、任教意願等環境及個人因素之不同而有差異」及「小學教師所知覺角色差距來源的相關因素中,以 『 教師任教意願 』的關聯強度最高」。根據研究發現,本研究分別對教育行政機關、師資培育機構、學校行政、及教師等方面提出建議。
The sources of the role discrepancy perception of elementary school teachers in Taiwan were reseaechal for this paper. Nine hundred thirty-eight subjects in Taiwan were surveyed using “The Inventory of Coping with Role Perception Discrepancy for Elementary School Teachers”. The data were statistically analyzed by frequencies, MANOVA and strength of association. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The sources of role discrepancy of elementary school teachers included “role incompetence and overqualification”,“role overload”,“role ambiguity and without aspiration and interest .The degree of the former three sources was middle-high level, and that of the later was middle-low level. 2.The three external sources which were“ role incompetence and overqualification ”,“role overload” and“role ambiguity ”were usually perceived by elementary school teachers rather than the internal source which was “without aspiration and interest”. 3.Significant differences for the sources of role discrepancy were existed among subjects with different genders, years of service, marriage status not, having children or not, position and commitment to teaching. 4.“Commitment to teaching” was the highest strength of association among the background factors. The recommendations to educational administration institutions, teachers' colleges, elementary schools and elementary school teachers were also suggested.
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