

作者:楊玉成 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Yu-cheng
主題關鍵詞:讀者評點書商文學傳播女性文學後設小說ReaderP'ing-tienPublisherLiterary communicationWomen's writingMetafiction
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(15) 博士論文(10) 專書(8) 專書論文(1)
  • 排除自我引用排除自我引用:14
  • 共同引用共同引用:26
  • 點閱點閱:117
     This paper takes the Ch'ih-tu hsin-yu, San-fu ho-p'ing Mu-tan t'ing, T'ao-hua shan, Yu-ch'u hsin-chih, You-meng-ying, and Nu-hsien wai-shih of the K'ang-hsi period as examples, to examine the comments on them. This paper points out some special phenomena seen concerning little circles of readers during the K'ang-hsi period. This paper ponders upon the relationship among writing, reader and the society and exposits the hidden cultural context. From concrete phenomena in the act of communication such as mailing, dialogue, copying, publication, and opera, this paper observes the situations and activities of the community of readers. It discusses how forms of critical commentary, such as multi-lateral commentary, dialogue, and even the writing of texts, constitutes such phenomena as a new textuality with a certain kind of meta-level writing. Such observation assists researches of the reader and helps explain the production of new texts. It also provides new perspectives in the study of meta-opera (e.g., T'ao-hua shan), meta-novel (e.g., Nu-hsien wai-shih and Liao-chai), and revisable text (e.g., You-meng-ying). This analysis of the texts and their reading ultimately lead to a kind of cultural study, which touches upon the interwoven areas of commercial taste, gender, cultural imagination, literary reputation, history and politics, and finally the relation of financial support. Thus it can bring out the possibilities for subsequent research into many of these areas.
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