

作者(外文):Li, Tien-ming
主題關鍵詞:清代戰爭史臺灣諸羅嘉義林爽文Ch'ing dynastyHistory of warTaiwanChu-loChia-iLin Shuang-wen
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     乾隆五十一年,林爽文起事抗清。十二月,林軍攻佔諸羅,莊大田攻陷鳳山。乾隆五十二年正月,水師提督黃仕簡率領援軍抵達府城,陸路提督任承恩抵達鹿仔港。二十二日,總兵柴大紀收復諸羅。二月,清軍收復鳳山。高宗下令將黃仕簡、任承恩解任。三月,莊大田再度攻陷鳳山,湖廣總督常青抵達府城。三月底至四月,林軍多次攻打諸羅。四、五月間,柴大紀也數度對林軍展開攻擊。 六月,林軍開始圍困諸羅。魏大斌領兵救援諸羅,被林軍擊敗。七月初,魏大斌再次被林軍擊敗。十三日,魏大斌部援軍攻進諸羅。七、八月間,林軍繼續進攻諸羅。八月,蔡攀龍部援軍攻進諸羅。同月,高宗任命福康安為將軍,前往臺灣。常青派遣參贊恆瑞領兵救援諸羅。二十五日,恆端抵達鹽水港。九月,林軍多次向諸羅進攻。十六日,總兵普吉保領兵攻陷笨港。十月,林軍數度向諸羅進攻,依然被柴大紀擊退。二十三日,恆瑞進到鹿仔草。 十一月初一日,福康安率領援軍抵達鹿仔港。初六日,福康安向諸羅進軍。初八日, 福康安領兵進到崙仔頂,遭到林軍攔截。福康安一面攻剿林軍,一面命海蘭察率領一軍向諸羅挺進。海蘭察擊敗林軍,進入諸羅。是夜,福康安也抵達諸羅。諸羅之圍終於解除。
     Lin Shuang-wen initiated his rebellion against the Ch'ing government in 1786. The following is a brief chronology of his campaign in the area of Chu-lo. Lin's army occupied Chu-lo in the twelfth month of that 1786, at the same time that Chuang Ta-t'ien captured Feng-shan. In the first month of the following year, Huang Shih-chien, the naval commander of Fukien, arrived in the capital (modern Tainan) with a pacification force. At approximately the same time, Jen Ch'eng-en, the army commander of Fukien, arrived at Lu-ts'un-kang. On the twenty-second, Regional Military Commander Ch'ai Ta-chi recovered Chu-lo. In the second month, the Ch'ing forces recovered Fengshan and Emperor Kao-tsung relieved Huang Shih-chien and Jen Ch'eng-en of their duties. In the third month, Chuang Ta-t'ien recaptured Feng-shan, and Ch'ang-ch'ing, Govemor-General of Kwangtung and Hunan, arrived in the capital. Lin's army repeatedly attacked Chu-lo over the course of the late third and early fourth months. During the fourth and fifth months, Ch'ai Ta-chi also engaged Lin's forces on multiple occasions. Lin Shuang-wen laid siege to Chu-lo during the sixth month. Wei Ta-wu responded with a relief force, but was defeated by Lin's troops. He was defeated again in the early part of the seventh month. On the thirteenth, Wei finally succeeded in fighting his way into Chu-lo. Lin kept up his attack through the seventh and eighth months. In the eighth month, the emperor appointed Fu K'ang-an to the position of general and dispatched him to Taiwan with orders to quash the rebels. At the same time, Ch'ang-ch'ing dispatched the imperial councilor (ts’an-tsan參讚) Heng-jui with a force of troops to relieve Chu-lo. Heng-jui arrived in Lan-shui-kang on the twenty-fifth. Lin's army kept up their attack on Chu-lo throughout the ninth month. On the sixteenth, Regional Military Commander P'u Chi-pao captured Pen-kang. Although Lin continued his assaults throughout the tenth month, Ch'ai Ta-chi maintained a successful defense, repelling the rebels on each occasion. On the twenty-third, Heng-jui reached Lu-ts'un-ts'ao. On the first day of the eleventh month, Fu K'ang-an arrived in Lu-ts'un-kang with his army. On the sixth, he advanced toward Chu-lo, reaching Lun Ts'un-ting and Lin's interceptors on the eighth. He attacked Lin's troops with one portion of his army, while simultaneously dispatching the other portion under the command of Hai Lan-ch'a to support Chu-lo. Hai defeated Lin's army in the field and entered Chu-lo. That night, Fu K'ang-an also arrived in the town. The long siege of Chu-lo was finally lifted.
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