

作者:楊玉成 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Yu-cheng
主題關鍵詞:冷熱情色評點讀者多音性金瓶梅世情小說Cold and warmEroticismMarginaliaReaderPolyphonyThe Plum in the Golden VaseThe worldly novel
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     This paper proposes to "reread" a Chong-zhen marginalia of The Plum in the Golden Vase, hoping to reconstruct the general reading theory and the cultural implications for a species known as "the worldly novels" (世情小說) in the late Ming Dynasty. I give a general picture of the anonymous reader's rank, sexual assumptions and aporia. And I also discuss the implied voyeurism in the erotic reading, at the same time going into the conflicts between social moral codes and individual desire. Then from commentary jargons such as "details" (細節) and "this doesn't matter" (無要緊) I discuss the naratological characters and cultural significance of the worldly novels. I further investigate the formation of a new discursive world during late Ming from these points of view: human psyche, market language, lower-class everyday idioms, and dialects. With the theory of "cold" (冷) and "warm" (熱), I also point out-using the dialogues, settings, characters, "cold writing" (冷筆), and allegory-the functional implications of the society, the age's psyche, and the formation of private discourse in the late Ming Dynasty. Finally, applying Bakhtin's theory of polyphony, I discuss the characters of heteroglossia, the multiplicity of social voices, and the multi-accentuality of heteroglossia, the multiplicity of social voices, and the multi-accentuality of linguistic signs from our case study, hoping to illustrate its significance both in the history of the novel and in the history of the marginalia.
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