

作者(外文):Chien, Wen-yin
主題關鍵詞:婚育離職勞動再參與已婚婦女勞動參與轉型Married women's employment patternsChanges of employment reentry patternShorter employment interruption
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行政院民國89 年「台灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」顯示,已婚婦女勞動再參與行為正面臨重要轉變,不僅因結婚及生育離職婦女的復職率創下二十年的最高水準,年輕世代婦女平均離職時間也明顯縮短。相較於過往多半在子女進小學或國中後才重返勞動市場,年輕一代婦女在學齡前子女階段便重返就業的勞動再參與模式,展現了一種不同的家庭與工作制度連結模式。 本文分析「台灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」原始個體資料與「經濟發展與婦女家庭地位:台灣的家庭結構、婦女就業型態與家庭權力結構之關聯」50 對夫妻深度訪談資料,一方面由82 年與89 年官方調查資料的比較,勾勒台灣已婚婦女勞動再參與經驗的變遷,另一方面以深度訪談資料討論支撐台灣已婚婦女得以二度就業或提早重返勞動研究發現,從民國82 年到民國89 年,二度就業的確是台灣已婚婦女勞動參與轉型過程中最重要的現象,比率從13.7% 上升為18.3%。挑選二度就業婦女分析發現,隨時代轉移,「延後至生育階段離職、提早重返」是目前二度就業婦女的重要行為特徵,平均離職月數由82 年的102.5 個月縮短為89 年的94.3 個月。婦女提早重返職場趨勢在年輕世代更明顯,平均離職月數從85.4 個月縮短為70.6 個月。 至於是什麼樣的社會文化環境支撐著年輕一輩二度就業婦女提早重返勞動市場?質化訪談指出,一方面來說,年輕世代已婚婦女所擁有的人力資源及面對的家庭經濟條件都與中年、年長世代大不同,這使得現代人不得不認可已婚婦女出外就業的正當性。只是,若婦女人力資源或薪資不夠豐厚,遇上工作與子女難以兼顧的兩難時,婦女仍會被要求優先履行母職,正是這種「婦女可以工作,但應該為了年幼子女『暫時』犧牲的優勢思考邏輯」,使越來越多想工作或不得不工作的婦女,必須等到孩子大了再去就業,從而促成了台灣二度就業的發展;另一方面,婦女一旦離職,由於離職成本、家庭經濟需求都較過去增加,輔以幼稚園教育體系日趨完備、現代小孩較為早熟等因素,都使得離職婦女能夠或必須及早重返職場。
The last two decades have seen major changes in the married women’s employment reentry pattern. Using the data “Survey of Women's Marriage, Fertility and Employment in Taiwan” conducted by DGBAS, this research examined the changes of labor force reentry between 1993 and 2000 of women who had ever quitted job because of marriage or childbirth. Findings show that women still exit the labor force market for family reasons, however more and more women reentry and seem to have spent a shorter interruption time than past. Rising labor force participation rates of women with under-6-year-old children and shorter employment interruptions mean that the linkage between work and family has changed gradually among young married women. The analysis of 50 couple depth-interviews conducted in 1995 illustrated at the last section points out factors facilitating married women’s employment reentry. The importance of greater personal human capital resource, family economic needs and the development of kindergarten system in Taiwan positively affects young women’s reentry and shorter interruptions. The paper concludes the need to focus on the work-family interface is greater than ever.
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