

作者:劉述先 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Shu-hsien
主題關鍵詞:知識價值思想的二分法通貫的理解全球意識對話時代知行合一認知與情感意義KnowledgeValueDualistic thinkingIntegral understandingGlobal consciousnessAge of dialogueUnity of knowledge and practiceCognitive and emotive meaning
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文化的特色在符號的應用,當然也就無可避免地會牽涉到詮釋問題。吾人把文化當作一個不斷在變化的歷程,而不同文化在相對隔離的情況下發展,當然會呈現十分不同的特色。本文略談儒家傳統對於知識與價值的理解與詮釋,作為我對跨文化研究與詮釋問題思考的舉証。 儒家哲學歷經先秦、宋明、當代三大時期,可以通過與西方哲學思想的比觀凸顯出來。西方哲學同樣源遠流長,歷經古代、中世紀、近現代的發展,其主流思想呈現一種二元對立的方式。在古希臘,柏拉圖對比永恆的理型與流變的事物,亞里士多德對比法式與質料;中世紀對比知信;到了近代笛卡兒割裂身心,休謨切割實然與應然,康德嚴分現象與本體,當代邏輯實徵論乃分離知識與價值。一直到晚近全球意識覺醒,才有與過去不同的省思。 但在中國儒家傳統三個時期卻都把知識與價值當作不可分割的整體看待,展現了完全不同的特色。孔子的思想倡知行合一、仁智雙彰。繼起的孟子有理性主義、荀子有自然主義的傾向,但都強調人文化成,知識與價值緊密地關連在一起。宋代朱熹講格物致知,卻不可以誤解為經驗科學的推概,而是聖學的一支,重視修養功夫,講知識、價值的踐履。王陽明提倡致良知更不待言。當代新儒家仍秉持這樣的睿識,重新嚮往通貫的統觀與共識。對比於當代西方的分崩離析,在追求改弦更張之際,應該可以給予吾人重大的啟發。
According to Ernst Cassirer, the primary characteristic of culture lies in its use of symbols, hence it is inevitable that interpretations play an important part in its formation. We take culture to be a developing process. Since Eastern and Western culture developed under very different circumstances in different ages, naturally they exhibit very different characteristics. In this article, we study the integral understanding of knowledge and value from a Confucian perspective as an illustration of intercultural studies through different interpretations of life and existence. There were three epochs of Confucian philosophy: Classical, Song-Ming, and Contemporary. Likewise Western philosophy went through three stages: ancient, medieval, and modern. A comparative study of the main streams of Confucian and Western philosophy shows that the latter is characterized by various ways of dualistic thinking. For example, in ancient Greek philosophy, Plato contrasted eternal Ideas and things; Aristotle, form and matter. Then in the medieval theologies, there was the contrast between faith and reason. In the modern period, Descartes separated mind and body; Hume, Is and Ought; Kant, phenomenon and noumenon. In our own age the logical positivists contrasted knowledge with cognitive meaning and value with emotive meaning. It is contrasted knowledge with cognitive meaning and value with emotive meaning. It is only in the so-called post-modern era that there has been a paradigm change in global consciousness so that other ways of thinking are being considered in an age of dialogue. It is under such circumstances that a review of the Confucian tradition of philosophy is in order. We find that through all three epochs of Confucian philosophy, there has been an integral understanding of knowldge and value. In the ancient period, Confucious believe in the unity of knowlege and practice, putting equal emphasis on humanity and wisdom. Then Mencius and Xunzi developed the so-called idealistic and naturalistic wings of Confucian philosophy, but they were in agreement on having an integral understanding of knowldege and value. In Song-Ming Neo-Confucian philosophy, there was the contrast between Zhuxi and Wang Yangming; but both sought to find sagely ways to realize harmony and equilibrium that answered intellectual and emotional needs. The contemporary Neo-Confucian philosophers are now trying to give new interpretations of Neo-Confucian insights in order to revive the important messages implicit in this spiritual tradition. It is worthwhile to learn something about them as we search for new alternatives for the further development of human culture at the present juncture.
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3.Cassirer, Ernst(1944)。An Essay on Man: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Culture。New Haven, Connecticut:London:Garden City, NJ:Yale University Press:Doubleday and Co.。  new window
4.Swidler, Leonard(1999)。For All Life: Toward a Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic: An Interreligious Dialogue。Ashland, Oregon:White Cloud Press。  new window
5.方東美(1979)。中國人生哲學。臺北:黎明文化事業公司。  延伸查詢new window
6.牟宗三(1968)。心體與性體。台北:正中書局。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.劉述先(20010000)。全球倫理與宗教對話。臺北:立緖文化。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.牟宗三(2003)。智的直覺與中國哲學。聯經。  延伸查詢new window
9.牟宗三(1982)。儒家學術之發展及其使命。道德的理想主義。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
1.(明)劉宗周。劉子全書及遺編。  延伸查詢new window
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