

作者:黃躍雯 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Yueh-wen
主題關鍵詞:新北投休憩空間再發展空間生產消費文化New Pei-TouRecreational spaceRejuvenationThe production of spaceConsumer culture
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本研究主要從空間生產、消費文化與社會施為三個概念層次,來探討並解釋新北投在1990年代中期「再發展」的形成過程中,各個社會作用者的角色扮演及其所產生的力量。同時,本研究也對休憩空間演化論述中「再發展」的機制與問題,提供一些具理論意涵的經驗成果。 透過本研究發現,新北投由於擁有豐富的溫泉資源,早於日治時期即被開發為一休憩空間。歷經一個多世紀,該休憩空間曾發展為盛極一時的情色空間,卻在政府廢娼政策下旋即走向衰頹。1990年代中期,該休憩空間又在地方社會與政府部門的努力下,設置溫泉博物館,也在該歷程中逐漸形成社區意識與行動力,明顯呈現「再發展」的現象。 亦即,首先是中央級的陽明山國家公園與地方級的溫泉博物館的設置,俱由國家機關奠定相當不錯的發展環境;而地方社會的努力與付出,以及發展策略的善用,更是再發展的重要機制,同時也促成了社區意識的形成;其後財團相繼進駐,帶動了高消費文化與形式,使得新北投的空間表徵與空間實踐迥異於過往;而連結陽明山國家公園與新北投之間的纜車車站議題,卻又使得社區凝聚力面臨嚴竣的考驗。
Based on the conceptual categories of the production of space, consumer culture and social agency, we aim to analyze what roles the social agents play and what power they generate in the rejuvenation process of New Pei-tou area in the mid-1990s. The study will analyze the mechanisms used by New Pej-Tou in coping with the problems of rejuvenating its recreational space. The theoretical significance of this rejuvenation will also be analyzed. Owing to its ubiquitous hot-spring resources, New Pei-Tou has been a health resort since the period of Japanese occupation. After a century of development closely related to sex industry, New Pie-Tou declined following the annulment of public prostitution. In the mid-1990s, in cooperation with local communities and relevant government departments, New Pei-Tou began to rejuvenate after the construction of a hot-spring museum and the establishment of the Yangmingshan National Park. During this process, a strong community consciousness emerged. These developments have energized community actions. A vivid picture of “rejuvenation” has appeared. This study demonstrates that New Pei-Tou’s rejuvenation was a result of actions by the state and local communities. The construction of the local hot-spring museum and the central government’s decision to establish the Yangmingshan National Park Provided the necessary environmental conditions for the rejuvenation of the place. However, the efforts and strategies for redevelopment made by the local communities were also indispensable which gave rise to a strong community consciousness. Subsequent investments in New Pei-Tou by some large financial conglomerates produced a recreational space characterized by the culture of high-level and elitist consumption. However, the plan to build a cable tram line to relieve tourist congestion in the Yangmingshan National park has become a hot issue which is challenging the cohesiveness of the local communities.
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