

作者:梁炳琨 引用關係張長義 引用關係
作者(外文):Liang, Bang-kuenChang, Chang-yi
主題關鍵詞:觀光文化經濟社會資本競爭策略Cultural economyTourismCoping strategiesSocial capital
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本文從當代全球-地方連結(global-local nexus)的境況,分析全球文化經濟與地方反身主體性意識的興起,以及臺灣部落文化經濟的發展,其中部落觀光是重要的文化經濟媒介。相關部落文化經濟與地方發展的研究與理論,主張地方文化決定、地方內生發展,或強調地方文化商品化的自主性,但是較少完整檢視全球化的部落「地方」概念、部落文化經濟的動態過程與因素。因此本文以文化經濟研究取向,探討部落發展觀光的文化經濟過程,並且以認同、社會關係與創新的競爭策略,理解文化經濟工作的因素。選取鄒族山美社區作為個案研究。 本文研究主張部落從資源基礎的地方經濟轉變為以符號和想像為主的文化經濟地方,文化經濟工作的達成,必需考慮交織於特定地方的複雜社會資本(歷史積累的社會網絡關係、認同、創新);並且在全球-地方連結中,對於地方內生發展或地方文化決定的觀點,文化經濟工作必須伴隨著有效的外力運作;而文化經濟運作中的觀光地方意識是跨地連結的。
This paper discusses tribal cultural economy development through tourism in Taiwan. It analyzes the development process of global cultural economy and the rising sense of local reflexive subject under the global-local nexus. Although many researchers believe in the viewpoints of local culture decisiveness, local endogenous development, or autonomy of local culture commodification in tribal cultural economy development, these perspectives are still insufficient in examining the concept of tribal “place.” the dynamic development of tribal cultural economy. This study discusses the cultural economy development process of tribal tourism and examines in a case study the elements of cultural economy work within the Tsou Saviki community. These elements include the coping strategies of social capital such as identity, social relation, and innovation.
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