

作者:陳芬苓 引用關係張盈堃 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Fen-lingChang, Ying-kwun
主題關鍵詞:宰制抗拒權力文化心理學女性主義教育學DominationResistancePowerCultural psychologyFeminist pedagogy
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國內對於性別校園的討論少以大專院校為場域,本文所關切的主題為大專院校中的性別宰制與抗拒,並選擇一所以工學院起家、科秓發展為主導的私立大學作為研究個案,以深度訪談法收集資料,進而與理論對話。比起其他教育場域來說,在以科技主導之校園做觀察,其性別化的脈絡或是文化的歸屬模式變得更為清晰,適切反映出性別化的學術科學特權與性別階層化的現象。藉由該校園的田野資料作為分析的文本,並輔以 Foucault 權力關係、文化心理學與女性主義教育學作為論述的視角,本文從主體、語言與互動、空間三個面向進行分析,在每一個分析單元中均包含權力的宰制與抗拒的討論,一方面探討科技為背景之大學校園性別化的建構過程及其宰制的機制,另一方面分析抗拒父權意識形態的可能性策略。最後,本文認為需要把女性主義或是批判教育學所揭櫫的精神落實在校園裡,以作為轉化學習經驗的現場。
While Taiwan's scholars concerned with the issues of gender and education have focused their attention primarily on elementary and high school educational institutions as their main research sites, analytical research projects concerned with higher education remain quite sparse. Thus, in an attempt to fill in the existing gap, this study explores how mechanisms of domination and resistance operate with regards to gender and education in the higher educational context. We limit our research by investigating a case study of an engineering college that has recently upgraded its status to that of a private technological university. By analyzing relevant ethnographic studies, we forward the premise that gender and sexual biases in the setting of a technological university have grown quite obvious. What forms of social and cu1tural mechanisms result in the existing phenomena of domination and resistance in the educational sphere? By applying Michael Foucault's notion of power relationships, and other relevant discourses from the fields of cultural psychology and feminist pedagogy, we analyze the three spatial concepts-subject, language/ interaction, and space-in regards to education, to discuss how strategies of domination and resistance operate on each of these levels. While focusing on an educational institution with a technological background, we carry out an in-depth discussion of the implications proposed by feminist pedagogy which suggest that schools should be viewed as transformative sites where tactics of countering hegemonic power are being born. Finally, this study maintains that bodily regulations and power relations existing in gender and sexual structures in education must be exposed, in order to allow a full transformation of one's educational experience to take place.
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